Putting CFA to effect unleashes dev’t potential using Nile

Ethiopia and the rest of the Nile countries should push to bring to effect the Cooperative Framework of Agreement on the Nile (CFA) which promises equitable and fair utilization of the waters of the Nile.

Girma Balcha who is a diplomat and researcher told The Ethiopian Herald that it is time for Ethiopia to draw lessons from past mistakes and a broad arrays of meetings that had been held at different times and places relating to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam( GERD) and has to get Egypt back on the right track.

According to the diplomat, above and beyond, Egypt would like to be governed by the colonial era treaties from time to time. As Ethiopia has already given the cold shoulder to the agreements, Egypt could not make its dream come true.

Ethiopia adheres to the 2017 treaties. Quite the reverse, no matter what the cost may be Egypt does not want to stick to this agreement given that it is a bitter pill to swallow for the country.

Nowadays, Egypt is making an effort to call off the agreement by arranging another document and other related aspects with the intention of winning over and making their hidden agenda a reality.

 He stressed that the main reason for Egypt in insisting on the involvement of the United States of America and the World Bank in the negotiation is to make Ethiopia put its signature to a new document that contradicts with the 2017 treaty.

 In doing so, the country wants the previous document to lose legal ground and materialize its dreams.

He elucidated that if Ethiopia brings into the table countries that have not ratified the document and encourage them to complete the process of ratification, Egypt will be governed by the rule willy-nilly.

“To the surprise of everyone, Egyptians see Ethiopia’s development as top threat and thus they leave no stone unturned to set blockade on Ethiopia’s development endeavors that makes use of the Nile River,” he continued.

“Egyptians know like the back of their hands the fact that the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam does not affect the flow of the water by any means.

But they fear that if the dam sees the light of day, they assume that their hydro-hegemony will reduce and Ethiopia will get itself involved in other development activities,” he added.

Therefore, the intended target of Egypt is endeavoring not to make Ethiopia materialize its dreams.

The Ethiopian Herald   April 24/2020


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