The man on the frontline

On April 1, 2020 one of France news channels, namely LCI invited two guests for its live program, Professor Jean-paul Mira, Head of the intensive care unit at Cochine Hospital and Professor Camille Locht, research director at Inserm.

Talking on the subject: «COVID-19 treatment: avenues for BCG vaccine», Jean-Paul Mira asks the following question: “If I can be provocative, shouldn’t this study be done Africa, where there is no mask, no treatment, no reanimation, a little like it has been done for some studies on AIDS, where prostitutes were asked to try things because we know they are highly exposed and they don’t protect themselves. What do you think?”

Professor Locht endorsed these words by replying: “You are right, and besides that we are thinking about a study in Africa, precisely to do this same type of approach with BCG, a placebo. “

Following the two French professors’ expression of their respective conviction many have come out to condemn with the utmost firmness the racist remarks made on air of the news channel LCI.

Former soccer player Drogba and Eto’o were the first to be on board in slamming the doctors for the suggestion Africa should be used as a test site followed by African Leaders like President Paul Kagame of Rwanda who condemned the unethical and patently racist remark.

Demonstrating a total ignorance of African realities, the French professors used clichés to present the caricature of a continent where people would not protect themselves, where there would be nothing: « no masks, no treatment, no reanimation. » the President said in his statement.

Beside the African prominent individuals’ condemnation, the Ethiopian man at WHO; Dr. Tedros Adhanom has reflected his position over the situation. Accordingly Dr. Tedros has made clear point Africa cannot and won’t be testing ground.

‘It was disgrace actually, and appalling to hear during the 21st century from scientists that kind of remark and we condemn this with the strongest terms possible’ WHO Director-General underlined.

‘I was so appalled it was a time when I said when we needed solidarity, this kind of racist remarks actually wouldn’t help. It goes against the solidarity’.

‘We will not follow all the rules to test any vaccines or the rapeutics all over the world using exactly the same rule, whether it is in Europe, Africa or wherever. We will use the same protocol and if there is a need to be tested elsewhere to threat human beings the same way equally’ he said as he concluded his speech.

It is not first time when Dr. Tedros Adhanom; the Ethiopian man at the frontline in fighting COVID-19 pandemic took a responsible action on crucial matters relating the world. Since the first African head of WHO took his current position two years ago he has been active in reforming the World Health Organization in better way.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom has been very active in tackling illnesses including the recent Ebola pandemic which kills many in different part of Africa. It requires bravery to take responsibility of saving millions life and that was what Dr. Tedros Adhanom did during the Ebola outbreak.

From deployment of medical staff, equipment and medicines to daily international call for solidarity in containing the disease, Dr. Tedros in his capacity as head of WHO has doubled all the effort made to control further spread of Ebola.

Since the outbreak is declared as public health emergency of international concern, the world expects WHO to do more than require and no doubt Dr. Tedros will carry much of the load.

While trying to tackle the new virus at global level, Dr. Tedros Adhanom as the son of Ethiopia and generally as an African has called for all leaders, experts, investors and the population to take the virus serious and get prepared for prevention as well as protection measures.

In fact, Dr. Tedros on the 3rd of April, 2020 had teleconference with African Union Bureau of Head of States to discuss the African response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the meeting Dr. Tedros as head of WHO emphasized the importance of acting now to test and guarantee equitable access to test kits, masks and personal protective equipment, vaccines, therapeutics. He also calls for strong unity among all African leaders to contain the virus. And the call is the exemplary leadership of Dr. Tedros as an African patriot.

Currently, the coronavirus has taken many lives. It has also caused major failure in world economy with expected regression and the devastation still continuous. However in all these manners, there is one great hero who still stands at the top determined in leading the global response to the pandemic while facing political intrigue from different directions. And that is Dr. Tedros Adhanom!

The Ethiopian Herald April 14/2020


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