We are free,but not to be evil

At this period of time, the world is enduring hard times due to COVID-19. The coronavirus death toll and confirmed cases are on rise. Despite serious shortages of medical supplies, frontline health workers are making great sacrifices to save lives all over the world.

But, some individuals are trying to play politics out of this disaster only for personal gain. Some irresponsible people are actively engaging in disseminating fake news on social media to incite panic during this darkest period of human history.

There are also some greedy merchants who intentionally skyrocket prices of basic commodities and have been the sole triggers of psychology of panic buying in the country.

The government and relevant bodies, indeed, have been taking legal measures against these culprits; however, the offenders have not stopped their illegal acts yet. Thus, more tough legislations should be enacted in response to price gouging related to coronavirus.

For those scare-mongers on social media, it is far better to be care mongers at the particular time. This will not benefit humanity at all.

One must not forget that no one is above the law. No matter what criminals will be held accountable as crime never pays.

More recently, FDRE Attorney General announced that it has begun crackdown against individuals for violating the rules of the country during COVID-19 outbreak. It has as well already taken corrective measures to that end.

Whatsoever the reason is, serving the general public interest comes first during this difficult time in a bid to win the war against this deadly disease.

Every fellow citizen has to salute medical professionals for their incredible selflessness and those who have showcased unity and solidarity to beat coronavirus.

As the old-time Cuban activist, Jose Marti once put it, “We are free, but not to be evil, not to be indifferent to human suffering, not to profit from the people.”

The Ethiopian Herald March 31/2020

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