Ethiopia, Djibouti pledge to upscale ties .15th Ministerial Meeting kicks off

Ethiopia and Djibouti have agreed to further collaborations in peace and development at all spheres during the 15th  Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting  kicked     off  in Djibouti yesterday. Ethiopian Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu (PhD) stated during the meeting that Ethiopia and Djibouti are intertwined with culture, religion, language, tradition and history.

The FM noted that Ethiopia is commited to nurture the all rounded cooperation existing between the two countries. Recalling Premier Abiy’s first overseas visit  to Djibouti, Dr. Workneh expressed the greater importance that Ethiopia attaches to its ties with Djibouti.

The Foreign Minister noted both countries  have  a very good track record of working on the issues of combating common security challenges such as terrorism and extremism under the umbrella of IGAD.

The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), clean and cheap electricity supply of electricity to Djibouti, Djibouti’s modern port facility and the plan to linkup through pipelines for transportation of natural gas from Ethiopia are among the few symbolic cooperation arrays between the two countries.

The Djiboutian Counterpart Mahmoud Ali Youssuf on his part noted the ties between the two countries have always been in the spirit of the unique brotherly bond of their people. The Foreign Minister added; the Ethio-Djibouti relations is a showcase of regional integration in materializing the Agenda 2063 of the African Union.

Commending the bold and incisive decisions of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) towards ensuring peace and harmonization in the region, the Minister expressed his government’s deep-seated  commitment to stand alongside its Ethiopian counterpart to spearhead the paradigm shift in the region.

Meanwhile, Workneh has presented the Ministry’s six month performance report to the House of People’s Representatives (HPR)Tuesday. Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh stressed that recent institutional reform are being undertaken to replenish the Ministry’s overall posture and stamina. He said, “despite lingering and looming regional, geopolitical challenges our visibility and outreach is tremendous.

He said Ethiopia is continuously and consistently refining its diplomatic mission to confidently promote our national interests and stimulate holistic economic development in a highly uncertain, and highly unpredictable global system.

The Ministry has performed with an excellent pace to navigate the globe to promote investment, trade and business with unflinching commitment to eradicate poverty, deepen our democracy and sustain national development. Currently, Ethiopia stands tall with 46 Embassies and 14 Consulates abroad, according the report filed by the Ministry.

Herald January 31/2019


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