Girma Yifrashewa talks Love, peace via his new grand Piano

The Skylight Hotel in Addis Ababa,was packed with enthusiastic audiences who attended the first grand piano concert in Ethiopia ‘Bringing Culture’,by the one and only Ethiopian classical pianist GirmaYifrashewa on January 30.

On the concert Girma played the grand piano with a priceless precision.Not only he proved that Piano could talk, but also it can be used to bring cultures together by putting international and traditional combo of his and the famous American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk.

The concert made a stunning gift for piano classical lovers as classical music is nor favoured or trendy in Ethiopia where there is no grand piano to begin with. There was one and only grand piano in the city and it was in Sheraton Addis, which was expensive to play. Now that Girma finally owns his own grand piano which is temporarily placed in Skylight Hotel, his joy was visible on his face.

Grima played his very own ‘Ambassel’, ‘sememen’(which was nominated as song of the year by NPR in 2015) Elillta ‘Cry to joy’ and Gottschalk’s‘Danzaro 66 op 33’, ‘The dying poet RO 75’, ‘The banjo Grotesque Fantasie Ro 22’, ‘Danza Ro Op 33’ and‘Andreanna’sMarzuka’on the hall filled with serene atmosphere and allured audiences who applauses enthusiasticallyat the end of every plays performances.

Grima was joined by , three young pianists his son Brook Girma, Liben Tinos and Girum Tamirat who made an excellent performances.

‘’Music is a universal language and it can help bring cultures together,’’ Said Girma. He has been working on the project for about two years. Girma expressed his excitement to be able to bring together both pieces from two cultural continents. ‘’I found it to be the most international traditional music,’’ he added.

Briefing the Press, on how he came to do the project Girma said ‘’a visual artist David Hart from the University of Pennsylvania contacted and told me that he wanted me to be part of the project and promote Louis Moreau Gottschalk music in a bigger exhibition, and he was happy to include me and do this recording. At first when he contacted me I was not aware of the American composer and I was then curious to listen to Gottschalk music. Once, I listened to his music, I was in awe.’’

Girma describes Gottschalk’s music as traditional and classical that were inspired from Latin America and others. ‘’ I appreciated how David discovered this similarity between my music and Gottschalk’s. I was very surprised because Gottschalk composition is traditionally inspired and collected from Latin America, traditional folk music and the banjo from West Africa. The pieces were well written and composed and orchestrated beautifully for all kinds of audiences to enjoy.’’

‘’I requested support from the United States embassy in Addis to work on the project and the current us ambassador was very supportive of my ideas.’’ he added

The event was sponsored by The American Embassy in Addis Ababa as part of weeklong series art celebrationsacross the city together with visual arts and music students of Yared School of music Addis Ababa University with group of American artists, Djs, dancers and graffiti artists aiming at bringing both countries together.

The Pianist put his hope on how concerts like this can bridge cultures for coming generations as well.



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