The dishes Ethiopians could parade form a wide array as its nation and nationalities. There are lots of mouthwatering and eye-catching meals you can get everywhere in restaurants or persons’ home.
Teff Injera is traditional thin unleavened pan cake. It is a staple food that is not absent in almost every meal. There are numerous types of wet or soups which are made from different and motely vegetables, fruits, meats, among others, to eat with injera.
Raw meat with a tiny bowl of red chili garnishes most Ethiopian meals. Most Ethiopians adore eating kitfo which is made from chopped raw meat.
Shiro (pea soup) and beyaynet (an assortment of food) are frequented most of the time. We can say that they are usual meals.
Especially, on occasions like wedding, birthday and others, it is a must do parading such delicious foods. And celebrants feel good when they are treated with the delightful foods.
Not only the aforementioned meals, Ethiopians enjoy an infinite number of traditional meals most of the time.
The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 9 February 2020