Political dialogue: An impetus for democratization

ADDIS ABABA- Leaders of political parties said that the political platform opened by the government is encouraging to make the upcoming national election democratic and credible.

The government has fully assured its commitment to make genuine democratic election, said Professor Berhanu Nega, Chairperson of Ginbot 7.

Building the system is the responsibility of not only the government; it is the duty of all political parties and communities, he said. To create calm and an all inclusive democratic scheme, respecting the rule of laws and playing a mutual role is imperative, he added.

“If the political parties make peaceful negotiations and debates with responsibility, I think we can go ahead. From now onwards, several tasks remain to be of the political parties. I hope the discussions of the political parties could be clear for public when the media report is accurate.”

Commencing of discussion of political parties with the government is encouraging if the ruling party has political curiosity as it helps to forward the process, said Dr. Merara Gudina, Chairperson of Oromo Federation Congress (OFC), adding that the basic issues of election are still unfinished, but the process is worth appreciating. Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Leader, Dawud Ibsa on his part said that the commencing of each other discussion with competitive political parties is promising as it is the beginning for everything.

Now, if we focus dialogues on improvement of election code and process, board nomination, role of media and other issues, other challenges can be easily solved in the future, he pointed out.

Dawud said that the discussion would have a paramount significance to conduct political activity free from quarrel. It was recalled that Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has discussed with competitive political parties and deliberated on ways of reforming the electoral system and preparing for the next national elections, scheduled for 2020.

The Ethiopian Herald, November 29/2018

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