
By Berenda Mohammed (From Trinidad in the Caribbean Islands. Former interviewee of The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition) I was inspired to write this poem because of a terrible accident that occurred not too far from our city. Four people burnt to death instantly when their car slammed into an electricity pole and the transformer fell on the car turning it into a blazing inferno. Folks be careful this Christmas Season.


In this yuletide season, I recall days back in time.

We met every Saturday, five loving sisters of mine.

Two lived abroad and could not join in the fun.

When they came for vacations they brightened the sun.

Two sisters in Trinidad passed away and that left three.

Saturdays were our best days because we were free.

Many changes in our lives caused us to drift from each other.

Meetings now confined to an occasional family get- together.

I resorted to imagining and spending my time writing.

Building false hopes and dreams that are not inviting.

I need my siblings around me, I must not forget.

If another one leaves this world I’ll be filled with regret.

Let us review our priorities because we could be next.

To depart this life before we can send a text.

Death gives no prior warning notice or extended time.

Let us meditate on this at this Christmas time.


 The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 12 January 2020

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