PM Abiy holds talks with selected CEOs of global corporations

• PM delegation confers with Italian investors

ADDIS ABABA– PM Abiy Ahmed convened an Investment Strategy Dialogue with selected CEOs of multinational corporations to identify opportunities for private investment, according to the Office of the Prime Minister. While in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum, the Prime Minister held sideline talks with different global leaders in politics, business, and civil society on various topics.

The robust discussion between the Premier and selected CEOs showcased untapped investment opportunities & policy priorities in Ethiopia. Further, in other side meetings, the PM also met with Muhammad Al Shaibani, CEO of Investment Corporation of Dubai – a 200 Billion Sovereign Fund – which is keen to invest in hospitality and agro business industry in Ethiopia. Prime Minister Abiy also had a productive meeting in Davos with George Soros, Head of the Open Society Foundations.

The two parties shared views on electoral integrity, challenges of democratization, access to justice and economic inclusion, institutional and regulatory reforms. Mr Soros applauded Ethiopia’s reforms in enabling civil societies and enacting a progressive refugee law, the Office’s message stated. The PM assured the global leaders he met that the reform journey of change and renewal over the past ten months is already taking shape and the incumbent is highly committed to address any gaps with regards to investment.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is scheduled to address global society leaders on Ethiopia’s journey of change and renewal over the past ten months. Meanwhile, the delegation that traveled with the Prime Minister held discussions with Italian investors, according to Mekonnen Hailu, Director of Public Relations at Ethiopian Investment Commission.

The delegation consisting of Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu (PhD), Investment Commission Commissioner Ambassador Fitsum Arega, Commissioner Abebe Abebayehu and other members explained Ethiopia’s vast investment opportunities and potentials, and called upon Italian investors to invest in Ethiopia. Italy Deputy Foreign Minister and 10 Italian investors, including representative of Carvico Group – the 100 million USD synthetic textile running company at the Kombolcha Industrial Park participated on the discussion.

Herald January 23/2019


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