The Undisputed Joy of Stability in Life analysis

Man is always filled with high ambition to be stable in all his endeavors and with all he interacts. Under normal circumstance, people wish to identify with a person whose character is firm and not likely to change at every turn of life. His moral strength creates mental and, particularly, emotional steadiness in the presence of those around him. His regular movement and controlled speed in his life’s journey, sets him on the right path to the right direction – the direction towards where, people with sound mind are geared up or wish to reach. What a stable person does perfectly suits others’ desires. Such is the positive influence that permeates among all people when a stable person is around. Such a model establishes a resourceful mind to which all should link to gain the upper hand over the challenges of life.

A stable person tactfully, carefully and imaginatively keeps a firm hold of the scarce leisure time to ponder over his own disposition and acts. In all what he does, he keeps in mind the interest of those he is connected to and all his acquaintances. Individuals modeled after such a reliable character, the abundant fruition of their physical and emotional inputs, lie waiting at the threshold. Their quick positive returns, be it psychological or pecuniary, is inevitable whatsoever. The positive outcome of a well-maintained stability is taken for granted in such situation.

A stable person enjoys the coolness of sobriety; he has self-control, nothing is able to side track him of his firm beliefs. He makes the estimate of what is possible and exercises it with the right judgment. He, by no means, condones laissez-fair, since adequate use of time means life to him. With a stable person, the dust of emotional disturbances settles allowing him to develop his power of seeing, learning and understanding.

At the national level, stability rids the country of the wrong political views. It makes a stop to the illegitimate migration of people from place to place for fear of attacks. Where stability is maintained, the inhabitants live in peace with little threat of being evicted from their places. In principle, rural areas where the food security of the country is ensured due to the well maintained law and order, the joy of the farmers is beyond limit of all measures.

They have enough food supply for the household and surplus for sale to earn money for their other needs. The government, as well, can export to meet its dire needs of foreign currencies. Abreast of this, in the society, the children remain under the protection of their parents with virtually no fear of lack of life’s amenities. The love and care of the parents counts most in their physical, mental and emotional development. Psychologically secured, the children can pursue education in their environment until they reach the age of maturity when they can independently decide for their future life.

No threat exists that forces them away from their birth place to seek better life opportunities elsewhere. For that matter, stability keeps rural men and women where they are and creates a system to help them thrive socially and economically. It should also bring into the rural areas the opportunities that are found only in towns and cities. Thus, there is no reason why they should migrate as long as they can get the jobs they look for.

Where there is stability, no reason why a young man should worry; there is always a guaranty of social protection and the provision from his family and the society at large. In this manner, the sense of ownership develops and love for the country gets stronger and stronger. Furthermore, in the face of stability, business booms, industries function well to produce items for local consumption and export. While at home, the young man assists his aging father in the fields and the girl assist her mother in the house chores. This relieves the parents of the burden of toiling the whole day long without rest.

Where stability is in control of social and political environ, maintaining peace is very easy. In which case, the seemingly the opposing groups find no reason to be at loggerheads with each other. Neither party is offended or disappointed; they live harmoniously, without hoarding ill feelings against one another, the situation that depicts the true essence of coexistence. Sharing the good and mutually avoiding the bad elements for the sake of peace and prosperity is all about stability. In the process, the social fabric gets strengthened, tightly looping the elements of cooperation by the long needle of unity. This creates the state of being united and becoming one.

The ever presence of stability lays strong basis for food security, the case that countries aspire to secure it to feed their ever-rising population. The usual export of agricultural products becomes available to allow the country to be successful in earning foreign currencies. The money gained from agricultural sector and others, of course, will be spent to import goods of vital importance for the society. Such a problem-solving mechanism should be carefully handled and protected at all cost. Once it is out of control, retrieving it costs dear life and properties. A well-established society can reduce the risk of being a burden to the city and the rural. Had it not been for stability, migration could have become the very reason for all the problems and uncertainties that prevail in towns and cities.

Stability is a property of many systems. In other words, systems own stability for a good purpose. Without systems, stability cannot exist. Systems regulate and keep it going on the right track and to the right direction steadily. To be sidetracked by buffets of irregularities that are not in harmony with the national interest and the society’s noble efforts to maintain peace and order, is a measure taken off hand.

Stability requires preparation and proactive thoughts. In other words, stability is being at rest, and not liable to change. Physics stipulates that in mechanics and dynamics, a system is stable (has stability) if it does not change motion of own accord, and will resist small efforts to change its direction or position. Stability is to stick to the right lane without wavering or moving uncertainly; it is to be on the desired course of action.

For that matter, an airline in flight is dynamically stable, and will keep going in the same direction even when hit by uneven air pressure (wind). To change its direction, its control system must be altered. On the other hand, a fighter plane is unstable, and must be controlled at all times by the combination of the pilot and a computer. In a boat, stability means that it is less likely to capsize. In a society, likewise, the boat of peace and security cannot safely sail unless measures are taken to regulate the social systems and maintain stability or else the boat will capsize and drowns all the people on board into the sea of trouble.

Then the efforts to save lives will absolutely be impossible. In fact, there will not be such a chance, as the situation is a total catastrophe. Retrieving the recklessly lost stability that occurs suddenly and without notice causing great suffering and destruction. Some African countries at independence suffered the bitter fruits of loss of millions of the so called citizens due to lack of stability. Bringing stability is not a one-man venture. It takes the unrelenting concerted attack upon any element that takes away the existence of stability. It rather wages a campaign to ensure the stability of the society which in turn ensures the ruling power of the government.

If by some dishonest plan, stability is removed from its place, an outright calamity waits within arms’ reach: economies collapse, cities deteriorate and a decline of food production rises. To avoid all these harassments that cause national devastation, stability has to be in order. There should be a lot house- cleaning work to prepare a neat room for stability, where it can freely act to ensure a viable and strong social fabric for unity and prosperity of the country. This is the only way that the joy of the citizens can be ascertained as it triumphantly springs out breaking away the shackles of bondage instability.

 The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 12 January 2020


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