Ethiopia-Gulf states ties at new height: Ambassadors

ADDIS ABABA- Appreciating Premier’s outstanding diplomatic skills when it comes to solidifying Ethiopia’s ties with Gulf countries, Ethiopian ambassadors said such diplomatic success would give a new impetus to the national efforts of realizing sustainable peace and development.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Ethiopian ambassadors to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia said that having assumed public power, Dr. Abiy Ahmed has been brining qualitative change in Ethiopia’s multifaceted relations with Gulf Arab countries.

The newly appointed Ethiopia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to UAE, Suleiman Dedefo stated that the premier’s new approach towards Gulf has brought about structural change in relations with the region that were characterized by unsatisfactory political and economic engagement. Ambassador Suleiman, who was also served as Middle East Affairs Director General at Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that this momentum with Gulf countries has paramount importance to Ethiopia exploit the region’s massive potential for trade and investment by capitalizing on its huge opportunities and geographic proximity.

Economic diplomacy has become a cornerstone in Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy, he said, adding that the growing trust between Ethiopia and the region is crucial for the former to achieve its vison to be the major destination of Gulf companies which are among strong financial powers in the world. Ambassador Suleiman noted that the UAE’s government decision to deposit three billion USD in Ethiopia’s central bank showcased the thriving relations and plays a crucial role in supplementing Ethiopia’s forex reserves.

Furthermore, Abu Dhabibased developer, Eagle Hills make large-scale public investment in Ethiopia’s real estate business and launched La Gare mega project in offering more than 4,000 residences. “La Gare project represents an integrated community comprising residential, commercial, hospitality, retail and leisure facilities in a single, secure and exclusive setting surrounding a park.”

Noting the project would have a far-reaching implication in changing the image of the country, Sulieman said that follow up the speedy execution of the project is one of his responsibilities as ambassador in Abu Dhabi. Ethiopian delegation led by Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu recently signed labor recruitment agreement with UAE officials and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has been finalized preparations to send employees through formal channel, he added. Regarding the two countries cooperation in regional matters, Ambassador Sulieman said that the Horn of Africa and Arabian Gulf share similar opportunities and challenges and Ethiopia and UAE established stronger alliance in military and security fields in the view to ensure their national security and regional peace and stability.

By the same token, Ethiopia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Ahmed said that Saudi leaders welcomed Dr. Abiy’s approach and understand that the Ethiopian government stands for peace, development and good neighborliness.

The leaders reaffirmed Saudi’s commitment to scale up cooperation with Ethiopia in political, economic, military, intelligence and counterterrorism, among others. Ambassador Abdulaziz stated that Dr. Abiy’s coming to power is a breakthrough in transforming the ageold relations with Saudi Arabia and bring in tangible results in helping the two countries to establish concrete governmental and people-to-people ties.

The new approach has also been proven fruitful in benefiting the people and economies of the two countries. As a result of the growing confidence, Saudi investors expressed desire to involve in Ethiopia’s housing business and reached consensus with Ethiopian stakeholders to launch mega real estate project in Addis Ababa. Also, Ethiopia has reached labor recruitment agreement with Saudi Arabia, the principal labor hiring country in the Middle East, and the parties concluded the long-awaited negotiation in the inclusion of the minimum wage.

The two countries come in to terms that 1,000 Saudi Arabian Riyal to become the minimum wage for Ethiopian domestic workers in the Kingdom. The ambassador noted that the new agreement is expected to change the working situation of Ethiopian citizens in Saudi Arabia including getting salaries on time, having a leave and protection from domestic abuses and human right violations.By signing the deal, the Saudi government takes responsibility to ensure safety of Ethiopian domestic workers.

He said that the recent high-level exchange visits made between Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia have also been playing instrumental role in paving the way for the leaders to exchange views in peace and stability in the Horn of Africa and Red Sea regions.

The ambassadors expressed conviction that the ongoing diplomatic activities are quite successful, and results gained so far have been denoted that the country is in a good shape to transform the age-long diplomatic and people-to-people ties with Gulf into strong trade and investment partnership. Dr. Abiy’s new diplomatic approach is a tool to fill the missing link in Ethiopia’s untapped economic opportunities and Gulf’s enormous capital and heralds the new era of cooperation with the region, they remarked.

Herald January 22/2019


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