EPRDF’s CC vows to deliver reform to next step

• Wound up meeting yesterday

ADDIS ABABA-The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRD) Central Committee (EPRDF) announced that the CC put action plans to transform the reform to the next step by widening democracy, strengthening rule of law and by solving the challenges.

On its statement released yesterday, following the conclusion of the central committee meeting, the front stated that the reform brings new changes in all sectors, which is being challenged by threats. According to the statement, the reform guaranteed freedom of citizens, releasing of prisoners, actions taken to solve human rights violations were among the main successes of the change. Economically, although the reform brings new changes, it still needs solutions due to the effect of the past few years political crises which worsens situation of unemployment, lack of foreign currency and debt burden, the statement noted.

For the effectiveness of the economic reform, the central committee agreed to make the economic reforms structural. Although, the reform brings deep, wide and big hopes, it is facing challenges from anti-reform thinking’s.

The Central Committee identified the threats of the reform from within the front itself and anti reform external actors. The central committee has stressed on the need to building internal peace, strengthening justice, widening democracy and political landscape, solving the economic structural reforms and building national unity through consensus to ensure sustainability of the reform and to pass it to the next step.

Herald January 19/2019


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