The Culture and Tourism Office of the City of Aksum announced that the ancient town in Northern Ethiopia collected over ten million Birr from the religious festivals and sideline events when the annual Axum Zion Mary Religious Festival was celebrated. Over 1.5 million pilgrims had attended the event.
Also, close to 4,000 foreign tourists had paid homage to Axum Zion Church and attended the stated festival, Tigrai Communications Affairs Office announced this soon after the festival. According to the Office, the city’s economy has enjoyed a 10 million Birr injection from various services provided to the festival participants.
Local TV Chanel run by the Regional Government of Tigray, Northern Ethiopian State for its part reported that several Eritreans and tourists from different parts of the world had taken part in the cultural and religious festival following the Ethiopia and Eritrea rapprochement for the second time.
According to the Head of the Axum City Cultural and Tourism Office, Gebremedhin Fitsumbirhan, a number of key issues related with the Festival of Axum Miriam, Zion, were held.
Gebremedhin said that for the first time, it was a festival that witnessed 19 flights a day and that was attended by a large pilgrim.
He also said that the religious event was an occasion for over 1.5 million pilgrims and some 4,000 foreign tourists from different countries.
The annual celebration of Axum Maryam Zion is contributing greatly to tourism development, he said, adding that a transaction of 10 million Birr had been observed on the city’s economy through trade, services and similar activities.
He said the activities also played a major role in stimulating the city’s economy and promoting job opportunities.
Historical Background
Christianity was introduced to the country in the 4th Century and thus Axum is known
Aksum bags…
to be center of religion and civilization. The first Ethiopian Orthodox Church (Zion Mariam) is African oldest church. Isolated from Europe Christianity, Axum began going down hills between the 7th and 8th Centuries.
The Axumite Kingdom was the powerful state between the Roman Empire and Persia. The granite obelisk 1,700 years old 160 tons (24m) was looted by facists and returned in April 2005. The one that collapsed due to structural problem is 33m, Girma Gonfa (PhD) wrote in its paper entitled ‘Ethiopia: Brief History, Energy demand and its implication on Environment.’
According to all that remains now of Axum’s past glories are the huge granite stela (pillars), some fallen and some still perpendicular. Made of single blocks of granite, the tallest stood over 33 metres high – the largest monolith in the world. The biggest now standing is 23 metres high.
All three section of the 1,700-year old Axum obelisk has arrived back in Ethiopia, 68 years after it was looted by Italian fascists. Many Ethiopians see the obelisk as an important national symbol – its return has been subject to great national anticipation and excitement. Seized back in 1937 by Italian troops, it was taken to Rome where it remained, despite a 1947 UN agreement to return it to Ethiopia. It was eventually dismantled into three pieces in 2004 in preparation for its journey home, an operation which is costing Italy an estimated 6 million euros (£4.1 million). The monument is due to be re-erected after the rainy season.
Other Attractions
The 16th century Church of St Mary of Zion is the holiest Christian sanctuary in Ethiopia, and Ethiopians believe that the church houses the Ark of the Covenant, containing the tables on which Moses wrote the Ten Commandments. Menelik-I is reputed to have brought it to Axum, along with 12,000 Jewish children. The Chapel is constantly guarded by monks, and not even the President has sufficient authority to enter.
The Grave of King Kaleb and the Grave of King Gabre, the reputed Bath of the Queen of Sheba, and a Museum are other historical attractions in the town. The ruins a few kilometres out of town to the north were once the Palace of Sheba apparently. The entrance stairs and floor plan are intact and the Palace had over 50 rooms.
The entrance ticket to the sights of Axum allows only one entry to each site but visits may take place over several days. It is essential to bring own torch to view the tombs.
Yeha, Tel. 750605. Part of the government run Ghion Chain
Axum, c/o Ethiopian Hotel and Spaas Corporation (EHC), PO Box 1263, Addis Ababa, Tel. 152700, Telex 1112.
Africa, close to bus stand has safe parking for cars and motorcycles.
The Bazen, Kaleb, Ghenet and Africa hotels all have a bar and restaurant. There are also plenty of basic 1 star cafes in town. The Mini Pastry next door to the Kaleb Hotel has a courtyard.
Getting there and away
Ethiopian Lines, daily flight from Addis Ababa. The Airport is located very close to town, within walking distance. If you are visiting other cities, there are special round trip excursions.
The bus stand in Axum is right in the centre next to the Big Tree. There are 2 buses daily to Asmara, one departs at 0800, the journey is 170 kilometres. Journey takes 12 hours. Ensure you have a valid Eritrea Visa.
Route from Addis is via Bahar Dar and Gondar and the whole journey is 1,100 kilometres. Good sealed road to Adigrat. Access is difficult June-September when the rains are heavy. Allow at least 4 days for the journey there, with stops in Debre Markos, Bahir Dar and Gondar. There are regular buses running along this route.
From Gondar the journey takes a full day. It is sometimes necessary to change buses at Shire (Inda Silase).
If travelling into Eritrea the Rama border post, which is about 1 hour’s drive from Axum, opens at 0900. The 120 kilometre journey between Axum and Adigrat takes 4 hours by bus. There are frequent minibuses between Axum and Adwa. Close to Adigrat the road steeps up to over 3,000 metres, offering a view of the highest peak, Alegua, at 3, 291 metres, and overlooks the Hista River gorge offering spectacular views (
The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 15 December 2019