Imamu Al Shafi inaugurates Islamic college

ADDIS ABABA- Imamu Al Shafi University-College which is established with the aim of promoting Islamic education and supporting the needy by providing free education accessibility has inaugurated its campus yesterday.

On the occasion, College Founder and Board Chairperson Sheik Haj Ebrahim emphasized that the UniCollege is established to widen both religious and scientific education accessibility. Prioritizing and promoting education centers expansion is fundamental to cultivate the best of the future generations, he added.

The University-College will play a role model in supporting the needy, orphans and contribute more in sustainable rehabilitation of them, he said. As to him, the University-College is laid on a 30,000 metric square land in Adama town in which more than 3.5 million Birr is needed to finalize it.

He further said that the UniversityCollege has come up with important teaching-learning requirements to fulfill the youths’ demand. “Well equipped library, dormitory, teaching classes, health center, and other major edifices are also part of the University-College.”

According to him, the UniversityCollege has a capacity to accept more than 2,000 students in regular and more than 3,000 students in the distance program. Participants of the event also witnessed that having such education and other infrastructures under religious institutions is important to nurture the best in the endeavors to meet quality education.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 17/2019


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