Political parties deliberate on electoral law amendment

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia’s political parties held discussion on the amendment bill of the election law including code of conduct, alternative electoral systems and post election dispute settlement mechanisms. In a two-day event organized by the Legal and Justice Affairs Advisory Council on Wednesday, Council Secretariat Head, Abduletif Kedir said that the discussion forum is organized to acquire inputs from all political parties for the amendment process.

The new election law is expected to make the upcoming national election free, fair and credible; he said adding that the amendment of electoral laws and proclamation might touch constitutional issues as well. However, amending the constitution is unthinkable before the  next election. Addis Ababa University, Political Science Professor, Electoral Code of Conduct Study Team member Dr. Merara Gudina on his part said poor political culture, polarization, and lack of experience and awareness among political parties and their followers have been identified as major challenges in effectiveness of the electoral code of conduct. Ethiopia’s experience is that previous elections were full of disputes. However, the 2005 election is seen by many as the most credible one as of today, he said.

“The government has designed several repressive laws to control elections. This led the county into crisis.” he said. Now, following the reform, there is a hope that the next election would be free, fair and credible.

Herald January 11/2019




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