Authority licenses 10 new media outlets

ADDIS ABABA – Fair media landscape created over the last nine months has attracted media practitioners and private investors to join the industry, Ethiopian Broadcast Authority told The Ethiopian Herald.

The Authority indicated as it has licensed over ten media outlets of both print and broadcast to operate in political, social and economic spheres. In addition to the new entries, conducive environment has been created for the existing outlets, according to Getachew Girma, Senior Communication Expert with the Authority Also, Belay Manaye, a journalist, told the newsroom that relative freedom has been secured in the last months.

To him, the direct and indirect intimidations on newspaper vendors and publishers have been abolished, not to mention the increasing of people who wants to publish their opinions on various outlets.

“This is a tremendous beginning to the freedom of expression.” He does not, however, shy away from expressing concerns. “Expressions like ‘those that bent to undermine the reform’ which is tagged on media outlets and journalists by few entities should not go unchecked.” Such labeling may end up being instrument of intimidation, according to him. Thus, concerned bodies have to be cautions on the use of such expressions.

“A journalist or media have all democratic rights of expressing supports or oppositions so long as they uphold the law of the land.” Appreciating government’s initiative to improve the press law and other allied provisions, he said the existing law easily criminalizes journalists and media outlets on the unfounded bases of defamation. Following the reform in Ethiopia various media outlets banned in Ethiopia are permitted to operate in the country, this includes the unblocking of over 200 websites. Currently, over 15 community radio stations, ten satellite TV stations, 12 newspapers, and 15 magazines are operational in the country, it was learnt.

Herald January 11/2019



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