Is our Business law becoming a paper tiger one?

Bringing into life modern and elephantine market centers is needed to get suppliers and demanders in one basket.

The country is lagging behind in urbanized, robust and advanced giant market centers with full-fledged service packages.

Rather, the market places, which mainly cluster on the main cities and rural-urban areas, have not yet been rendered decent, clean and neat, customers-friendly and advanced when it comes to the facilitation of satisfactory services.

The market centers, at some particular metropolitan and developing rural areas, are taken as dump yards of recycled or use-and-throw items. They are becoming places of disgusting and dusty footsteps. They are turning into centers of illicit dealers and traders, casual laborers as well as shelters of rural- to-urban migrators and alms seekers.

The absence of business ethics are the characteristic features of retailers and business owners, purchasers and marketers, customers and sales persons. Distracting the attention and interest of the customers is a tool of selling products. They are becoming places for hoarding non-durable, junk, delicate goods and items.

Cut-throat competitions in an unhealthy atmosphere could push responsible and genuine business firms out of market due to bankruptcy. In this tragic scenario business law proves just a blueprint and a paper tiger.

The Ethiopian Herald  SUNDAY EDITION October 13, 2019


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