Defense eyeing to establish modernized and technologically-equipped force

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian Ministry of Defense disclosed to the Parliament that the Institution has amended previous proclamation aiming to further build the capacity of the army, and make it more inclusive.

Presenting midterm performance to the House yesterday, Defense Minister Aisha Mohammed (Engineer) said over twenty articles have been amended aiming to establish modernized and technologically equipped defense force. The amendment is expected to improve the lives of members of the defense and boost human resource capacity, she added.

She further noted that over a hundred thousand members of the army have been engaged in an awareness creation discussion on policies, regulations and manuals so as to realize a well-informed army. She underscored that apart from the ground and air force, the army is restructured to add navy and other forces.

The Minister appreciated the counter measure undertaken by air force in response to the attack on the Ethiopian army in Somalia in last September carried out by AlShabaab. She further noted that beyond keeping peace, the army has been participating in different development programs of the country, and in various voluntary activities.

General Berhanu Jula, Deputy Chief of Staff of the National Defense Force, for his part said that the institution has been strengthening the participation of ethnics that have previously been marginally represented in order to ensure the equal representation of all nation and nationality in the army.

In regards to the conflict that have occurred in some parts of the country, the General stated that as a result to the army’s effort, there is now relative peace and stability throughout the country, and the previously closed government institutions in some parts of Wolega zones have started giving service to the public.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 9/2019


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