Ethiopia, Eritrea officially open Oumajir-Humera border

ADDIS ABABA- FDRE Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki have officially opened the road on the Oumajir-Humera border that connects the two countries on Monday January 7, 2019.

The opening of the border is expected to further strengthen the people to people connection on both sides and facilitate cross-border trade in the long run. A delegation led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and President IsaiasAfwerki officially opened the border after a visit to development projects in Eritrea.

The two heads of states were accompanied by Gedu Andargachew, President of Amhara National Regional State, Debretsiwon Gebremichael, Deputy President of Tigray National Regional State and other senior officials of the two countries.

The opening of the OumajirHumera border area is the continuation of normalizing of Ethio-Eritrea relations information from Office of the Prime Minister indicated.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 9/2019


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