Strangleholds on earth-shattering reform

There is no gainsaying the fact that vitally important reforms have been taking place in every nook and cranny of the country apart from giving a kiss of life to Ethiopianism and a sense of harmony.

The Ethiopian premier, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the game changer, has been making the impossible possible and the unthinkable thinkable and thus his fame has been spreading far and wide. Day in and day out, the displeased segment of the society are leaving no stone unturned to turn back the clock and change the tempo of the ongoing reform, by putting fuel on unrest in some parts of the country.

However, they cannot materialize their dream, as it is an outlandish one. With this in mind, The Ethiopian Herald had approached scholars with the purpose of having their take on formidable causes and bottlenecks posed on the ongoing reform as well as potential solutions.

According to Major Dawit W/Giorgis, various selfless sacrifices and unwavering commitments have been made by Ethiopians and the outstanding works of Team Lemma have saved our country, Ethiopia. Tragically, some months back, the future of Ethiopia was hanging in the balance. Nobody could guess the future of the country with no trouble. On the whole, Ethiopia was getting off the track over and over again.

But at this point in time, Ethiopians have their country back. Cognizant of this fact we should all stand by the side of Dr. Abiy Ahmed in crystalizing his dream. Failure to do so is bound to cause everlasting remorse. It would result in a missed opportunity with consequences that will haunt Ethiopians. The people of Ethiopia should follow their sense of right and wrong and not the agendas of those who have a lot to lose with the ongoing reform. He noted that Ethiopians should keep their eyes peeled on things going in the open as well as on the sly across the country.

There seems to be a parallel government in Ethiopia led by the top brass hardliner of TPLF and its supporters. Hecklers of the reform, they would not bat an eye to derail the reform. The premier can keep the reform going and break the backbone of the unreformed-EPRDF (TPLF) repressive machinery. This must be backed up by an all out support. He envisaged the birth of an amalgamated democratic Ethiopia, where Ethiopians live under the umbrella of a national sentiment with equality, freedom and justice.

Honestly, speaking, without a shadow of a doubt, the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy’s actions, decisions and speeches have transformed Ethiopia and given hope to all. As per Dr. Merera Gudina, though the ongoing change surfacing on a national scale is awe-inspiring and cheering, there are still topics that have persisted to be starting place of concern. At this moment in time, Ethiopia is at a decisive crossroad.

The reform is not free from the unpleased old guards, who have been making an effort to bog down the ongoing reform. As they had been ran shacking the country for over two decades as they pleased, they are able to wreak havoc in the length and breadth of the country with the purpose of retrieving what they had already lost. He continued: “The reformists have not fully attainted the indispensable harmony and common program to budge Ethiopia forward.

Above and beyond, the EPRDF members do not seem to have a common grasp of the existing reforms taking place. Nor do they have a common interpretation of what they had done in the past. Neither do they exhibit a common vision for the future. As such, the change seems skin deep. Despite the fact that the country is heading in the right direction in terms of quite a lot of things, there are still people who are lamenting challenges of corruption and good governance across the country.

These are the alarming hurdles that conspire to slow down the ongoing reform. An instructor at AAU who wants to be unanimous said, “No one denies that the ongoing reform has been igniting a sense of oneness among the different Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. As the old guards were dreaming of staying in power for more than four decades, the unanticipated has been taking place across the country.

Ethiopians did not imagine the reform would come to pass in a little while. I would say, the premier has been sparing every effort to put smiles on the faces of Ethiopians. As this reality on the ground did not make the tyrants happy, they have been making an effort to foment wrangling in some parts of the country.

He went on to say, “As the reform has not make the unreformed happy, they are making an effort to dampen the zeal of the government and turn things back to square one. To the best of my knowledge, to make the reform a healthy one, the government should sack unreformed members of TPLF working in an assortment of offices in the government’s machinery.

It is a public knowledge that most of them had been hired based on their political stance but not based on merits. Education had no value. Members of the ruling party were free to work wherever they wanted. “The incumbent should know the presence of officials who playact they are reformed and lurk to cause unrest here and there and time and again. If the government take weeding out measures I do believe within the shortest time possible the country will be on the right track,” he concluded.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 6/2019


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