Netanyahu hails Premier Abiy’s achievements

ADDIS ABABA– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Abiy Ahmed’s one year and half premiership is instrumental in bringing significant political and economic success in Ethiopia and changing the country’s image among the international community.

Netanyahu’s remark came during a joint press conference he and Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy held on Sunday in Jerusalem. The Israeli Premier stated that his Ethiopian counterpart has become one of the most important and influential leaders in Africa and his courage to promote the stand of the country in international and regional arenas is also exemplary.

The success the Ethiopian leader has been registering in changing the country’s economy has resulted the global community looking Ethiopia in a new way, he stated. Noting the two countries historic ties and special bond, Netanyahu said that the 150,000 Ethiopian Jews living in Israel have been serving as a human bridge in bringing the culture of Ethiopia to Israel and maintain the culture of Jewish people in Ethiopia. The two countries also share value of respecting freedom of religion and stand for democratic values. \

The Prime Minister expressed his government’s knee interest to enhance the existing unsatisfactory trade ties between the two countries and boost flow of investment to Ethiopia. Israel has also a desire to cooperate with Ethiopia in security, technology, agriculture and water management sectors and the visit is believed to enable seek ways to transform the historical ties to economic partnership.

“Both Ethiopia and Israel have been challenged by radical and anti-peace elements” he said, adding that his country has the desire to share its successful experience in combating security threats for the Horn of African nation. Cyber security is also among priority areas of cooperation between the two countries.

Applauding the decision the government of Ethiopia made to open strategic companies for private capital, Netanyahu expressed his government’s commitment to encourage Israeli companies to have a meaningful involvement in Ethiopia’s market.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on his part expressed gratitude for the solidarity Israel demonstrated by sending firefighter crew that helped in curtailing the Semen Mountains wild forest. Ethiopia wants to reinvigorate relations with Israel in modern agriculture, irrigation, ICT, health and tourism sectors.

Premier Abiy also stated that Ethiopia is looking forward to seeing Israeli companies to invest in priority areas mentioned the country opened telecom, aviation, logistic and energy sectors for privatization. Ethiopia is also desirous for Israel playing active role in capacity building activities in different areas including health and ICT sectors.

He expressed his government’s desire to reach consensus with Israel on the restoration of Ethiopian churches and monasteries in Jerusalem which he referred them as special representation of the two countries long-standing relations.

Ethiopia will work for a dynamic and effective partnership in promoting regional and global peace and stability with Israel, the Premier remarked. The two Prime Ministers presided over the signing of five-point joint declaration at the end of the press conference.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abiy held talks with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on bilateral issues of mutual importance whilst the President expressed his admiration to the Premier Abiy’s engagement in enhancing the two countries multifaceted relations. It is recalled President Rivlin visited Ethiopia in May 2018.

During his stay in Israel, Ethiopia’s high – level delegation led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited the world Holocaust Remembrance Center (known as Yad Vashem) and the National Cyber Directorate. After concluding the visit, the Premier back to Addis Ababa yesterday.

The Ethiopian Herald, September 3/2019


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