Arba Minch sees high horticulture production

ADDIS ABABA-Technical support and skills training in horticulture development have increased yields and profits thereby improving livelihoods, Farmers growing horticultural crops at the outskirts of Arba Minch city said.

Farmers residing in Ocho Lante  Kebele of Gamo Zone, around Arba Minch area indicated that the technical support and skills training delivered by agricultural experts have played immense role in modernizing their agricultural practices as well as their lives.

Speaking with local media, Farmer Alemayehu Birku mentioned that banana production has been a game changer in the lives of farmers.

The capacity building and skill training has allowed farmers to leave the traditional farming system which has not been profitable to the majority behind, he added.

“Since I engaged in modern banana production, my life has changed dramatically. Not only didI become profitable, but also began helping my children to follow education, bought land and started assistingmy family better,” he remarked.

Another farmer who isengaged in growing onions, Eskinder Eyasu, noted that the production of onions and tomatoes was highly dependent on rainy seasons so that the production capacity has been limited in the area.

Nonetheless, the farmers are now engaged in different production mechanisms that have improved their productivity and modernized their lives.

Currently, Eskinder harvests about 610 quintals of product per hectare, which he attributes it to the training and support of agricultural experts.

Horticulture Development Expert Firew Teshome said that the horticulture sector has been developed through cluster farming and other methods. The cluster system was said to be crucial tofacilitate market linkage and enhance the development of other crops.

The Expert mentioned that his office has been supporting the farmers with the necessary inputs while delivering skills training and technical supports to enable them undertake their farming in scientific ways.

Moreover, follow up and supports as well as proper use of agricultural chemical were part of the effort put by the office, he said, adding that farmers were allowed to exchange experiences amongst themselves for more achievements.

It is to be recalled that Ethiopia generated over 514 million USD during the last nine months of the fiscal year 2023 exporting more than 215,800 tons of horticulture products to the international market, where exports of vegetables and fruits brought in 57 million USD and 13.3 million USD, respectively.



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