Company resumes gold mining in West Wollega

WELLEGA – Gold mining and other investment projects in West Wollega Zone of Oromia State have resumed in recent months raising hopes to create job opportunity for thousands, disclosed the Zonal Administration.

Mr. Elias Ummeta, Head of West Wellga Zone, told The Ethiopian Herald that the gold mining project located at ‘Tullukappi’ is underway with over 200 million Dollars. It is assumed to create job opportunity for over ten thousand job seekers.The project is a joint-venture between a British company named KEFI Minerals and the government of Ethiopia. The latter holds three fourth of the share.

As to the Head, over 350 dislocated farmers were refunded a collateral worth of over 6 billion Birr. Families of the farmers are given entrepreneurship training on how to do business. They will also be given the opportunity to engage in the agro-industry in the surrounding. They will be trained on animal husbandry.

Land of over 600 hectares is to be given for displaced farmers who prefer land replacement in Gimbi woreda Abba Sena village. Of the 600 hectares,important infrastructures such as schools, health centers, water, and road of about 6 kilometers will be constructed on a land of over 350 hectares, explained the Head.

Elias uncovered that role model village will be created following the project. The project is profitable to the surrounding. Thus, the administration is paying due attention to it. It would create job for over six thousand jobless in the zone. And the project could play a paramount role in reducing the unemployment rate in the Zone.

Elias portrayed that the projects were suspended due to the existing instability in the zone. However, the question of the society has been answered and peace is restored in the zone after researching on the profitability of the project over the last five years.Thus, the projects will be active within months following the ending of the summer rain, he said.

He indicated companies from Saudi Arabia and Quatar are also requesting to invest in the zone. New and interrupted projects will resume operation after September. The project is expected to play part in regulating the gold market. The natural and historical resources in the Qellem Wellega zone will be exploited. The various Wellega zones are rich in minerals such as gold, platinum, limestone, and charcoal. The waterfalls, aquatic and forest animals, and the culture and lifestyle of the people would generate tourism attraction. The forests would be converted to parks, pointed out the Head.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 31/2019


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