Employing old, futile tactic to disrupt an accomplished project

Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland for the lease of maritime access, the tension between Ethiopia and Somalia has been increasing. As the tension escalated Somalia requested the evacuation of Ethiopian peacekeeping contingents that are part of the AU Peace Keeping Mission in Somalia and the possible replacement of other countries. Egypt’s quest to be part of the contingent that would replace the Ethiopian contingents and the alleged already proliferation of military equipment in Mogadishu is believed to be part of not only the tension between Ethiopia and Somalia but also a continuation of the tactics to frustrate Ethiopia from its hydropower dam on Abbay River.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has now reached a level that cannot be reversed as it has accomplished every step of construction despite all the challenges the government and people of Ethiopia faced. On the other side of the basin, there is an endeavour that never goes desperate from frustrating the construction of the dam on the river.

The intimidation efforts started in colonization when the lower riparian countries signed an unfair treaty for the utilization of the water that never included Ethiopia to allow it to use its fair share. This continued through different mechanisms until Ethiopia boldly coordinated efforts to mobilize resources and knowledge for the construction of the dam that occupies an irreplaceable place in the heart and mind of every Ethiopian.

Since the announcement of the launch of construction, several activities have been underway to mobilize efforts to interrupt it. Among them was lobbying financiers not to provide money for Ethiopia, persuading companies and countries where the construction companies hail from as well as threatening through various indirect and clandestine political pressures.

But all these attempts have not worked and as the saying goes “the dog bark, but the camel keeps walking”, the Dam has reached its close to the final stage as it has already stored water in its reservoir for the fifth round and has also started generating power with some of its turbines. Still, at this stage, the efforts of countries to disrupt the smooth operation of the dam have almost reached its fullest stage of construction.

What Ethiopia can do at this stage is resume its usual cooperation to put in place a framework for the fair utilization of the river among all riparians. It has been always ready for the creation of such frame work even before the launching of the GERD project, while the construction was progressing and still.

Now that the dam is almost operational, what can the lower riparian countries request from Ethiopia other than reaching an agreement on the fair utilization of the river water which the countries agreed on Declaration of Principles (DoP)?

Despite this Egypt has been always resistant in every step of the dialogues carried out regarding water utilization. After the failure of all these dialogues Egypt has continued to employ various tactics of threatening or intimidating Ethiopia and interrupting the progress of the GERD which has now attained a point of no return.

But everyone with a sane mind can easily comprehend that the people and government of Ethiopia have already brought the project to an irreversible stage and nothing can stop the GERD from reaching the final stage which Ethiopians have been dreaming of for decades. Even the domestic conflicts or external wars used to hamper the country from harnessing its natural resources including Abbay.

For many years it was possible to destabilize Ethiopia from inside by arming and hosting rebel groups that cherished different political causes. These groups fought for the very political cause they thought were rational and their rights. However, it would be sane to think that these groups would go to war to serve the evil causes of external forces including those who want to harm the interest of their country and people. If any individual or group who fights for a certain political cause tend to side any external force that goes against the interest and sovereignty of the country will not succeed as they will be cast by the general public. The war history of the country has left a good lesson that despite having differences with the government anyone who sided with foreign and occupational forces would pay a heavy price and become a miserable loser ultimately.

Expecting to twist the hands of the country through the employment of rebel groups or disgruntled political forces is impossible. Such an attempt not only proves futile but also ends up uniting Ethiopians against enemy forces; standing up with much more strength and sublimation. This is not the time for proxy war and supporting disgruntled political forces and armed groups to pursue one’s interest. Rather there is still ample opportunity for peaceful and diplomatic means to address differences and reach win-win solutions.




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