ENDC ticking all the boxes

It is important to mention that the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) has been playing an extremely important role in smoothing the path of national dialogue which is going to be held around the corner with the intention of getting to the bottom of stockpiles of quandaries. The commission at different points in time has tossed around ideas on the subject of national dialogue in a way that can bring about fruitful results and favorable outcomes.

Up to this juncture, the commission has held discussions with varying segments of the population at large with flying colors. For the sake of truth, the federal government in different time periods has avowed its pledge to the national dialogue by ticking all the boxes. As the population in general works towards the full implementation of the national dialogue in unison with the Commission, the national dialogue is stepping in the right direction.

In view of the fact that the commission is committed to implementing the national dialogue in an effective way, it is hoped that Ethiopia through the passage of time will resolve its lingering challenges beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As long as extensive efforts have been assumed to make sure the comprehensiveness of the national dialogue, all and sundry have been standing by the side of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission.

In the contemporary context, Ethiopia has been bracing for an all-inclusive national dialogue to resolve disarrays surfacing all over the country on account of divisive rhetoric as well as other historical and political problems. In times gone by, as certain groups sowed the seeds of hatred and discord among Ethiopians along ethnic and religious lines among the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples of Ethiopia putting in place a wide spectrum of cock and bull stories, the social fabric of the people have been getting off track.

There is no gainsaying the fact that national dialogue plays a paramount role in acting as a peacemaker, burying the hatchet, and more of the same, everyone should work with one accord.

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission is set to embark on a crucial agenda-gathering process in the Central Ethiopia Region, marking a significant step towards fostering national unity and addressing long-standing issues, according to information obtained from local media.

In a press briefing held recently in Hossaena town, the Commission announced its readiness to commence this vital phase of its mission. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to inclusive governance and participatory problem-solving.

Commissioner Yonas Adaye (PhD) elaborated on the Commission’s progress, stating, “The National Dialogue Commission, established to enable citizens to resolve their challenges through dialogue, has been diligently working on various fronts. Having completed several essential preparatory tasks, we are now transitioning to the agenda-gathering phase, which has already begun in other regions.”

The Commissioner revealed that the Commission has finalized preparations to conduct agenda-gathering activities in the Central Ethiopia Region for six consecutive days, beginning August 31, 2024. This comprehensive process would involve over 1,500 participants representing diverse societal groups from seven zones and three special districts within the region.

“As a nation, it is incumbent upon us to address and heal our long-standing issues through dialogue, seeking sustainable solutions,” Commissioner Yonas emphasized. He added that this approach is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of the dialogue process.

The agenda-gathering phase will encompass a wide range of stakeholders, including political parties, religious institutions, civic societies, influential individuals, and various organizations within the region. The Commission stressed the importance of participants’ contributions, urging them to uphold principles of inclusivity, transparency, engagement, and credibility to ensure the success of the dialogue.

Commissioner Yonas concluded with a powerful call to action, stating, “This historic process holds immense potential for liberating our country from various challenges and sustaining its bright future. Every citizen must strengthen their contribution to ensure this pivotal initiative reaches its goal.”

The National Dialogue Commission’s efforts in Central Ethiopia represent a critical juncture in the nation’s journey towards reconciliation and progress. As the process unfolds, it is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping Ethiopia’s path to a more unified and prosperous future.

As active participation of the wider population plays an indispensible role in conducting effective national dialogue to bring about the targeted expectation, accomplishing sustainable peace in every corner of the country is immense and promising.

In the present circumstances, the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission has continued invigorating its efforts to ensure inclusivity in the preliminary period with the purpose of making the dialogue effective.

In view of the fact that conducting national dialogue plays a very important role in taking the country to new heights by cross-pollinating expanded ideas and attaining the national dialogue, everyone from all walks of life should stand by the side of the commission devoid of batting an eye.

The commission has been playing a great role in taking the national dialogue to the next level of achievement working hand in glove with concerned bodies. As an independent institution, the commission has been playing a huge role in getting to the bottom of the country’s predicaments at the earliest possible time regardless of challenges.

As agenda gathering gives rise to restore peace in every corner of the country, people from all backgrounds should go to great lengths for the realization of the national dialogue.

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission has initiated the agenda gathering process in Gambella region, engaging with representatives from various segments of the society. Over 1,300 participants, comprising representatives from all zones, districts, and the Gambella City Administration have actively participated in the process, according to information obtained from Ethiopian News Agency.

Chief Commissioner of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, Prof. Mesfin Araya emphasized the Commission’s extensive past work and its ongoing efforts to engage with representatives from across the country. He underscored the commission’s independence as an institution of the Ethiopian people. The seven-day agenda gathering process in Gambella marked the Commission’s commitment to a comprehensive and inclusive consultation.

By prioritizing the voices of the people and exploring potential solutions, the commission aims to contribute to lasting peace and a prosperous future for Ethiopia. The process will involve active participation from political parties, religious institutions, civil society organizations, government bodies, and influential individuals, who will collectively discuss, develop, and present their agenda ideas.

This agenda gathering process is a crucial step towards securing lasting peace and shaping the country’s future so that active participation from all stakeholders is essential.

As stockpiles of predicaments were not taken care of, the whole lotin the course of time ended up creating a sense of suspicion and criticisms. It cannot be denied that on the heels of some groups’ divisive rhetoric, Ethiopia has passed through many ups and downs.

Though many endeavors have been made by some individuals to resolve the existing challenges for good and all through round table discussion, the intended target fail to bear fruits in the shortest possible time. As conducting the national dialogue is the right moment, all Ethiopians should pull out all the stops for its realization.

In addition to playing a part in the national dialogue, every Tom, Dick, and Harry should bankroll the Commission. The agenda gathering procedure of the National Dialogue process is being finalized in various parts of the country, the Commission announced.

ENDC’s Public Relation Head and Spokesperson, Tibebu Solomon in the recent past told The Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that the process of collecting agendas for the national consultation is under final stage in various states of the country except Amhara and Tigray. Meanwhile, efforts are being put to conduct the agenda collection in the aforementioned two states when peace maintained over time, he indicated.

The ENDC is striving to ensure an inclusive and participatory dialogue so that all parties should be part of the process standing for common goals, Tibebu stressed.

He further stated that Addis Ababa, Gambella and Benshangul Gumuz have finalized the agenda gathering process and submitted the document to the commission.

“The agenda gathering process has also been done in Dire Dawa City Administration and Harari States. The commission also works with stakeholders to ensure inclusive and participatory National Dialogue across the country,” he noted.

Tibebu also said that the preliminary and the preparation works are done properly so that agenda identification would be done when the places took the selection of participants.

In a similar manner, the commission is working in close collaboration with the stakeholders to operate parallel activities in Amhara and Tigray states where participants of the process not yet identified, according to him.



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