Ethiopia witnesses rising innovation: MoLS

ADDIS ABABA –The country has seen a dramatic increase in the number of innovators that would support the national ambition to realize digital transformation, according to the Ministry of Labor and Skills (MoLS).

The Bruh-Ethiopia 2024 Innovative Business Idea Competition hosted by Labor and Skills Ministry for two weeks finalized by awarding over 125 participants.

On the occasion, MoLS Minister Mufariat Kamil mentioned that the competition unveils the potential of youths that could come up with innovations that curb societal problems and bring about advanced technology that moves the nation forward.

She said apart from addressing public challenges, the innovations are said to have meaningful impact in improving nation’s economy.

The passion that contestants showed to sustain their country would not be reserved by minor challenges. To this end, she stressed that the Ministry would offer unwavering follow up and support.

Participants have gathered valuable knowledge from the competition, Mufariat said, adding that the innovations would play essential role in resolving challenges at national as well as international level.

Moreover, she expressed that the Ministry will further collaborate with other relevant institutions to strengthen such competitions. Hence, participants need to be more prepared to compete and register better results.

MoLS State Minister Solomon Soka on his part highlighted that the Business idea competition showcased potential talents that the country have in the innovation sector.

He added it reveals the capability of young population in creating innovations that would help nation move forward.

Out of 142 competitors, the Ministry has awarded prize worth of 2,000USD for around 125 participants. As to Solomon, the contestants have taken skills and other trainings.

He further stressed the need to understand the limited support the government provides so that the innovators need to be committed to stand on their own and flourish their businesses.



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