La Gare housing project will modernize African capital

Ethiopia’s capital city Addis Ababa is one of the cities in Africa showcasing a swift turnaround. Addis is the seat of the African Union, Economic Commission for Africa and other regional and international organizations. However, the vibrant metropolitan is beset by many problems, which beg for drastic changes. Housing problem is among the challenges that should be addressed.

With the ever growing population and rural-tourban migration, residents of Addis Ababa has been facing shortage of residential houses. Having understood this predicament, the Ethiopian government has been striving to build condominium houses in different parts of the city.

Nevertheless, the move stops short of resolving the problem since the number of residents is increasing at an alarming rate. Hence, the government has planned to implement the La Gare integrated community development project in a bid to alleviate the chronic housing problem of the city.

During the launching ceremony of the project, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the La Gare integrated community development project is what the nation has been envisaging for years and it would consist brand hotels, modern apartments, cinema halls and other basic facilities. The Premier pointed out that the project will have huge significance in stopping displacement and in empowering residents through providing schemes.

In addition to this, the project would introduce joint venture trends to Ethiopia. According to Addis Ababa City Administration Communication Affairs Bureau, the Ethiopian government will have 27 percent stake in the integrated community development project ,which will be undertaken in collaboration with Eagle Hills, a private real estate company of Abu Dhabi with 50 billion Birr (US$ 4 billion).

The project will be completed within seven years. The largest mixed-use project in Ethiopia with over 4,000 residences will occupy 360,000 sqm and create job opportunities for 25,000 Ethiopians. The grand project will have a huge impact in modernizing and developing the city since it would scale up skills as well as technology transfer, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building and Construction College Lecturer Samuel Tekelay told The Ethiopian Herald. ‘‘As we have been informed from the media, the project will have many advantages.

Beyond solving the housing shortage of the city, it will add architectural beauty and technology. It as well will further modernize the city,’’ he states. He noted that many buildings had been constructed with a copy-and-paste and study-devoid architectural styles. This is creating negative effect on the environment as well. ‘‘Most of the buildings being constructed are made of glasses.

The glasses reflect light which is hazardous to residents. The reflection aggravates global warming. I hope the Abu Dhabi company will bridge this chasm,’’ he says, adding, “we hope that the integrated community development would have feasible design and basic facilities needed for the elderly and people with disabilities. Besides, it should reflect the culture, history and way of life of Ethiopians.’’

Samuel recommends that domestic consultants and architects should be involved in the construction task so as to share their knowledge regarding the design. Moreover, reportedly similar projects would be undertaken in Enteto Tourism area and Yeka sub-city. Dagim Temesgen, a Psychology Lecture at Addis Ababa University said that the integrated community development project will offer relief for residents through establishing permanent settlement in their locality.

‘‘ Before Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office seven months back, there have been tragic displacements and separations of neighbors and villagers in the name of development. Long time friends and families were dislodged from their forefathers’ abode. Such austere measures have been creating huge Psychological impact on the dwellers,’’ he pointed out.

‘‘The integrated community project being planned would be expected to alleviate family separations. Hence, it would solve the public’s grievances instigated by displacements.’’ According to the psychologist the displacement of families from their localities due to various reasons would have psychological impact on people especially on children.

‘‘When communities leave their original residence, they would be obliged to start new life. Sometimes adapting new life may be hard to them. When we see the Ethiopian context, people who are displaced from their residence have been facing many challenges. They face lack of social service providing institutions like school and health centers. Children are the prime victims of displacement.

However, projects like La Gare are be expected alleviates such problems and creates opportunity for people to live happily in their forefathers’ lands,’’ he points out. To sum up, the La Gare integrated community development project would solve housing shortages, create job opportunities, safeguard the social and psychological well being of families and modernize the city. Besides, it would enhance transfer of skill and technology.


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