Commission launches lead acid battery waste recycling program

ADDIS ABABA– Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC) yesterday launched a new road map development on the disposal and recycling of lead acid battery in Ethiopia.

The program will be implemented in short, middle and long term periods: two, five and seven years respectively. The program also involves collecting, transporting and ULAB life cycling from various parts of the country.

The program will be implemented in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNP states he noted. It is launched with the help of international partners like European Union, GIZ and multi sectoral stakeholders.

Ethiopian Pesticide Action Network Director and Lead Acid Consultant with Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission Dr. Tadesse Amera told The Ethiopian Herald that the batteries of vehicle and other metals are not professionally collected, dismantled and disposed in Ethiopia.

The Lead Acid Batteries Road Map Development Program is needed as the lead acid battery potentially poses hazardous to human, animal health and environment in general. The toxic acid cannot be avoided rather recycled for further usage, he elaborated.

Till Serafimov, Component Manager Social Infrastructure Energizing Development GIZ in Ethiopia for his part said that the program funded by European Union is jointly carried out by EFCCC and GIZ. Through the program, technical support would be provided to stakeholders on how to better manage the program recycling process.

GIZ will also provide certification scheme and accreditation scheme for the implementation of the program until the end of 2022. It also offer consultancy and concept development of the lead acid battery recycling program in Ethiopia and initial finance is funded by European Union that is about 1.1 million Euros he added.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 23/2019


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