UK Secretary of state for int’l development visits eastern industrial park

ADDIS ABABA ( ENA)- UK Secretary of State for International Development, Alok Sharma, and Oromia Regional State Deputy Chief Administrator Shimelis Abdisa have visited the Eastern Industrial Park on the outskirts of Addis Ababa today.

During the visit, Shimelis said efforts have been exerted to encourage more investment flow to the regional state. He pointed out that incentives offered to businesspersons by the government have proved to attract foreign investors in various sectors.

According to the deputy chief administrator, efforts are underway to make the region hub of investment. Foreign investors would benefit if they invest in Ethiopia, Shimelis reiterated.

UK Secretary of State for International Development, Alok Sharma said “I have been really excited to see the work of my department here in the industrial parks in terms of female economic empowerment, which is ladies getting job and supporting themselves and their families.”

Stating that this is his second visit to Africa, Sharma said, “I hope the message you are getting from this is Africa is important to UK; and Ethiopia is also a very much important country for us.”

He stated that the UK “wants to continue to have close relations between our two countries, which is good in bilateral trade, investment and continues through my department to support programmes in Ethiopia.”

The Ethiopian Herald, August 23/2019

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