IPs generate 211 mln. USD

. Create 90,000 jobs

ADDIS ABABA – Four Industrial Parks (IPs) that went operational have generated more than 211.4 million USD, Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IDPC) said.

The IPs have also created more than 90,000 jobs for Ethiopian citizens, Tilahun Gemchu, Corporate Planning and Management Information System Director at IDPC told The Ethiopian Herald.

The four industrial parks are Bole-Lemi, Hawassa, Kombolcha, and Mekelle. While the achievement is 62 percent of the plan, power outage and shortage of water supply remain challenges in accomplishing the goal. The Corporation is working in collaboration with stakeholders such as Custom Commission, Electric Utility and others to tackle the problem, he said.

Considering the challenges, the IPs have been successful in achieving their major goals of job creation and hard currency generation in a short period of time since their establishment. He also added that there is no industrial park that was out of production even in times of hardships.

Indicating that East Asian countries are models in investing in industrial parks to achieve economic transformation, Tilahun said the Corporation is committed to follow suit this fiscal year.

As has been witnessed in these countries, industrial parks development has brought with it advantages in efficient utilization of economic resources, land and infrastructure. Particularly, as land has crucial economic value in Ethiopia, the development of industrial parks has created a better opportunity for its efficient utilization.

The construction of parks has been conducted based on social and economic feasibility studies. Almost 95 percent of their construction is completed on time and investors have been quick to establish factories in parks that went operational,Tilahun said.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 22/2019


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