Booming construction sector needs to improve workers’ safety

ADDIS ABABA– While Ethiopia’s booming construction sector has created more than 850,000 jobs, recent research conducted by Addis Ababa City Construction Bureau and Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) revealed that the safety and health of its works are in jeopardy due to several factors.

Dagim Meresha, Head of Public Opinion Research at ENA, said the safety and health of construction works are at risk due to lack of safety equipment, employers’ recklessness and workers’ low level of awareness. While there are construction law and policy, low level of commitment among stakeholders to implement them have also exacerbated the situation.

“Employees and construction professionals have to make construction sites risk free and raise the awareness of workers to use safety materials.” Addis Ababa City Construction Meddle-level Contractors Association Deputy Chairman, Hailegebrale Adane said the other problem is the absence of a well-organized organized safety and health control department in the country.

Besides, regulative bodies’ have commitment making sure that stakeholders abide by the law. “Even they didn’t wear or use safety materials when visiting sites.” Ameha Same, President of Ethiopian Contractors Association on his part said as the construction sector has been expanding across the country; safety issues have wider implications for the overall socio-economic development.

Hence, it is timely to introduce specific regulations and codes that promote safety. It is possible to generate profit and ensure construction industry if all stakeholders work in a way that workers’ safety and health, he added. Demelash Kebede, Addis Ababa City Construction Bureau Head told The Ethiopian Herald that having a good construction policy in Ethiopia, there been gaps in implementing it.

“Hence, one of the top priorities of the Bureau this budget year is to make sure that the policy is implemented.” The Bureau has also prepared construction safety and health regulation and presented it to stakeholders for discussion. Then after, it is expected to be approved soon.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 22/2019


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