Covid-19 Africa: What is happening with vaccine supplies?

The World Health Organization (WHO) says a large number of poorer countries relying on the global vaccine sharing scheme Covax do not have enough doses to continue vaccinating. The UN and the... Read more »

Growing response to climate financing across the globe

BY STAFF REPORTER Recently the head of climate change at the UN has warned that world leaders are still “far away” from securing a deal to limit the disastrous effects of global... Read more »

Time to put the pledge into effect

BY STAFF REPORTER A Group of Seven plan to donate 1 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to poorer countries lacks ambition is far too slow and shows Western leaders are not yet on... Read more »

G7’s Green Marshall Plan versus China’s BRI

BY HAFTU GEBREZGABIHER International infrastructure aid dates back to the Marshall Plan of 1948 and has been a regular feature of foreign aid to developing countries ever since. So, what is unusual... Read more »

Obscuring truth for hitting hidden target leads nowhere

Some western countries are heard of explaining that there is a human rights violation in the northern part of Ethiopia, Tigray State. They have been reflecting ideas which are diametrically different from... Read more »

Wealthy nations continue to finance natural gas for developing countries, putting climate goals at risk

Advocates are calling for an end to natural gas development, but some poor nations say doing so would unfairly penalize them and stifle economic growth. As the world’s governments try to raise... Read more »

Making water politics source of oomph

Why has the ‘Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) been increasingly becoming a global issues?’ is a very important question to ask connecting Ethiopia’s ambitious plan to be a prosperous East African nation?... Read more »

Leaders at climate summit vow to work for post-COVID green growth

Leaders from countries and international organizations pledged to work together to pursue growth in a post-pandemic recovery in line with the Paris climate change accord, in a declaration adopted at the conclusion... Read more »

NZ’s recycling still being sent to developing nations

New Zealand’s recycling practices are under scrutiny amid revelations that hundreds of tonnes of plastic are still being sent to countries like Malaysia and Thailand. Concerns have been raised for years around... Read more »

Is making liar glad better than getting strategically annoyed?

The nexus between international relations and countries being allies is very high as it helps nations smoothly run any activity becoming the life blood of nations around the globe thereby developing network... Read more »