Youth climate activists demand urgent action on climate change


Climate change remains among the hot global agenda which are affecting the planet causing various forms of disaster. Though heads of states and governments of the world are raising the issue at different sessions and forums, both at local and international levels, proper actions and measures have not been taken.

Parallel to the carelessness of the leaders of the world on climate change, the world at a higher rate is becoming warmer and warmer. The world’s climate change is rapid, widespread and harmful, according to a recent report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Scientist and activists in the sector are calling the world leaders and their respective country decision-makers to act to manage the fast-growing changes that the world is experiencing.

All concerned parties in the sector are calling decision-makers at national and global levels to take practical actions to manage the problem of the world. The young generation in this regard is becoming at the front lines, especially these days and telling the world leaders that they never need negotiable future. The youth are calling countries to invest in green jobs, to develop climate financing and to apply other strict actions and measures.

During his recent interview with The Ethiopian Herald, an Ethiopian Environmental Activist and Global Youth Leader from Ethiopia, Yared Abera stated, “We should act today to protect our planet from worsening climate change” adding “financing the battle against climate change and supporting developing countries’ efforts are a necessary action”.

For Yared, the world is at a serious risk of climate change and needs urgent and immediate actions. Especially, the recent report by IPCC is an alarm for the world leaders to take timely measures to save the world from climate-driven natural disasters and droughts.

Recently, youth-run environmental groups from the U.S. are gearing to pressure U.S. Democratic Congress members to retool their 3.5 trillion Dollar spending package to fund more programs battling climate change. According to Reuters in December 2020, U.S. Democratic candidates were courted young members of climate groups, including Sunrise Movement and Zero Hour, adding many of these members are now smarting as they believe climate change get less attention in President Joe Biden’s deal.

According to the youth groups, it is time to stop compromising of climate change issues adding the world needs action now. Zanagee Artis, Co-founder of Zero Hour, one of several youth-led climate groups that assembled armies of young canvassers to support electing Democrats, said “Progressives need to hold the line against moderate compromises that wouldn’t do enough to stop climate change.’’

As to Reuters report, the one trillion Dollar infrastructural bill, which would make the biggest investment in decades in roads, bridges, and airports overwhelmingly passed the closely divided Senate and heads next to the House of Representatives in the U.S. But, to secure bipartisan support, Democrats left out steps to phase out fossil fuel use from the electric grid and funding for millions of jobs to retrofit buildings and adapt a changing climate.

Climate activists were further discouraged after the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report last week that warned global warming is close to getting out of control. The scientists’ panel on climate change recommended that “it is time to control rapid climate change before it comes out of control.” According to the scientist report, “not only in the long future, unless timely actions are not taken at this time, within next two decades the global warming may pass 1.5 degrees Celsius.”

In this regard, Yared further argued that “this report means a lot for the world to take actions before it becomes out of control. The coming generation deserves better livelihood and a safe environment. But, according to the report, we are not fulfilling our responsibility of protecting our planet.” As to him, unless the world is walk-up and uses its all maximum capacities to save the planet, the world may become full of problems and disasters are driven by the rapid climate change.

The U.S. Youth climate activists, following the report by the IPCC, are calling the government to keep promises in funding the green economy, funding climate-adaptation jobs and other climate financing actions to save the world. Accordingly, the youth activists are calling for the implementation of the outline by the Senate Democrats of 3.5 trillion Dollar antipoverty and climate plan funding.

According to the report by Reuters, the plan for 3.5 trillion Dollar in new spending includes both the efforts on the grid and climate adaptation jobs. But, it noted, some Democrats have objected to the size of the new bill and growing U.S. deficits. If this further disheartens youthful green activists, it could be fatal for Democrats trying to hold on to tenuous majorities in the House and Senate in 2022.

Following this, youth groups are pressurizing the senate for the legislation of the Senates groups. Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, NextGen president, a progressive group that registers and encourages young people to vote, said that the group is having members contact senators to lobby for the climate legislation.

The targets of the young activists are to influence the Senators for the legislation of the budget deal that would carry out Biden’s priorities including the climate fight program. In this regard, the youth groups are focusing on pressurizing the top lawmakers with phone calls, organize protests in their districts and work against the re-election of those who oppose expanding climate provisions in the law.

According to the youth environment activists, not only questioning the proposed plan, even the 3.5 trillion Dollar is not enough to control climate change. Press Secretary of Sunrise Movement, Ellen Sciales stated that “three point five trillion dollars is not enough to stop the climate crisis.”

“If Biden wants to be a world leader on climate, he’ll heed this call and pass the boldest reconciliation bill possible,” the press secretary added.

Sharing the U.S. environment activists’ ideas and stance, Yared argued that climate financing is among the top mechanisms to control climate change and it needs a maximum investment of countries to save the worst damages. For him, the young generation should influence leaders at a national and global level to give due attention to the protection and battling of climate change.

Activists in the agenda are arguing that the huge involvement of the young generation is vital in achieving the climate change battle goals, both to make an influence on the decision-makers and to take necessary actions to protect the environment green and safe. Parallel to that, activists in the sector are calling the young generation to initiate innovative businesses involving a green economy and other environmentally friendly businesses.

In this regard, youth activists from developing and developed worlds are calling for immediate actions in protecting the environment and investing in green job creations, green infrastructure and supporting environmentally friendly green investments.

Alex Cameron Deputy Head of Mission with UK Embassy to Ethiopia during his recent interview with The Ethiopian Herald stated “The youth have the most important roles in combating climate change,’’ adding the youth activists are playing their role in mobilizing the youth in the agenda.

According to him, after the decision that non-state actors were invited for active participation and engagement in the fight against climate change, the involvement of the youth and civil societies is playing a crucial role. “Fighting climate change and protecting the environment is something a serious global agenda which needs the involvement of all actors and huge energy from the youth is helpful to achieve the goal.”


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