Mai Kadra and Afar massacres: Atrocities by TPLF ignored by the western media!

BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA I was at a church the other day and I heard a young female student who came from Mekele University via the mediation of international aid organizations witnessing how... Read more »

The balkanization of Ethiopia is TPLF’s daydream devoid of reality

BY SOLOMON DIBABA Can someone tell terrorist TPLF that Ethiopia is not Yugoslavia, Syria, Yemen or Afghanistan? Yes, terrorist TPLF’s mission in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa is dictated by a... Read more »

The reign of terror

BY GETACHEW MINAS The reign of terror is anarchic which is skeptical of authority and rejects all forms of hierarchy. The terrorist calls for the abolition of the state, which it believes... Read more »

Diaspora’s effect digital media campaign in telling the truth to the world

BY EPHREM ANDARGACHEW Diplomacy is one of the methods that states have been using to influence the behaviour of other states. The concept and the practice of diplomacy have existed for many... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF’s divisive strategy of conflicts is part of its quest for hegemony in Ethiopia

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The entire history of terrorist TPLF and the genesis of its manipulative political ideology is based on hatred and animosity toward the peoples of Ethiopia. The first political manifesto... Read more »

Where are you human rights advocacy organizations?

BY SIMACHEW ALEMU At this time, the terrorist group TPLF is making unbearable human rights abuse upon the Ethiopian children and women. This terrorist group captures children under the age of 15... Read more »

Ethiopian sovereignty upheld always!

BY YIDNEKACHEW TEKLE ALEMU (Ethiopian Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Some West countries always threat the developing countries as they can test the satanic catastrophe, the hell on earth, and destroy the... Read more »

An Open Letter to Amnesty International Regarding its Hit Piece on the Ethiopian Troops

 BY ASQUAL TEFERI  From the outset, I would like to condemn any act of sexual brutality against women. I strongly support a thorough investigation of the alleged sexual violence against women in... Read more »

US: Neither a rebel group nor a legitimate governmet is their choice, national interest is!

 BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA In his speech days ago about the US military leaving the Afghan land, the US president Joe Biden has made it clear that the United States of America never... Read more »

Ethio-Turkish relations sets an example of amicable and mutually beneficial diplomacy

Upon the invitation from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) is on a working visit to Turkey upon the invitation from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His visit coincides with... Read more »