Where are you human rights advocacy organizations?


At this time, the terrorist group TPLF is making unbearable human rights abuse upon the Ethiopian children and women. This terrorist group captures children under the age of 15 from Tigray and Amhara regions and brings to the war front to kill their parents and brothers and finally die. In order to be courageous to sacrifice their precious lives without any hesitation it gives dangerous drugs like cannabis.

As the war captured children told the public if they oppose taking cannabis drug they will automatically be shot dead by the terrorist war leaders. Those children who have taken this dangerous drug look like mad persons. Hence, thousands have died and the wild beasts eaten their flesh and another thousands are becoming disabled. Those children who have swallowed or smoked cannabis make sexual harassment upon their mothers and sisters. It is terrible to utter or imagine.

Looking and hearing all these terrible crimes upon children and women, you human rights advocacy huge organizations have remained silent. Does the blood of these children is not the blood of humans? Does the flesh of these children not the flesh of humans? Don’t you feel any sense about the pain of females? Genocide cruelty crime had been committed up on more than 1,600 innocent dwellers of Maikadra, North Gondar by the TPLF murderer groups. Does it not make sense to you the massacre of 240 innocent Afar people fired by cannon bullets?

Furthermore, more than 500 thousand people are displaced from their homes and suffering too much resettled in bare areas. But you do not want to shout about all these and other terrible crimes upon humans in Ethiopia. Are you sure you were shouting about human rights abuse without any discrimination and political affiliation? Are you sure you are neutral from world political games and mercenary outlooks? Are you sure that you do not have any benefit driven objectives in your advocacy missions? So why you are refraining at this very critical time from shouting for the Ethiopian children and women rights abuse which is solely emerged from TPLF’s destructive nature? Do you believe that you never know about the TPLF absolute dictatorship group for the past 27 years in Ethiopia? I doubt!

The dark night will be replaced by the bright day. The difficult times for the Ethiopians will pass and good days will come in place. Everything is in the state of change because the law of nature works in such away. This is not the only time that Ethiopia has faced difficulties in history. Those who have done good and aligned to the truth will make history. False and fabricated TPLF politics has been smashed down by the united struggle of 110,000,000 Ethiopians. Be sure TPLF will never, ever come to power again in Ethiopia. If it can it may find state position abroad.

The writer of this article again would like to ask you that where are you now. Why do you neglect the human rights abuse of children and women in Ethiopia due to the dictator, aggressive, betrayal and cruelty of TPLF?

Last but most essential point is that the current government of Ethiopia has been elected by the Ethiopians in a transparent, democratic and trustful poll. So let me remind you that the Ethiopian people have firmly stood up with its democratically elected leader his Excellency, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and his cabinet. So, do not hesitate to stand with the current government of Ethiopia. Forget the passed cunning TPLF group. It does not do anything with the Ethiopians and the world community except destruction and cruelty. Forget about others, even it will not save itself from devastation because it has dogma mentality adhered to hate and corruption.

 Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald

The Ethiopian Herald August 21/2021

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