Diaspora’s effect digital media campaign in telling the truth to the world


Diplomacy is one of the methods that states have been using to influence the behaviour of other states. The concept and the practice of diplomacy have existed for many centuries, even before it was popularized and given an official name. It signifies the negotiations made between actors as they attempt to reach certain goals. Accordingly, in the context of international relations, diplomacy is a way by which states manage their relationships with one another and try to achieve their national interests.

The main objective of diplomacy is to strengthen the state or organization it serves concerning others by advancing the national interests in its charge. Moreover, diplomatic activity endeavours to maximize a group’s advantages without risk and expense of using force and preferably without causing resentment. Besides, the purpose of diplomacy is to execute the foreign policy of the sending State in the host country and to foster order and peace in an anarchic world.

Based on the interest and aspirations of the state, there are different types of diplomacy that a nation follows to implement its foreign policy. Among others, economic diplomacy, gunboat diplomacy public diplomacy, citizen diplomacy, science diplomacy, cultural diplomacy and so on are worth mentioning here.

Along with the development of modern technology, recently, the conceptualization and the practice of classical diplomacy has changed. Unlike the past which used military and economic power, the current diplomatic practices of every country have changed and used modern technology to influence others country policies and strategies.

Furthermore, modern technologies have played a critical role and allow citizens to stand and defend their country national interest. At present, states of the world especially, United States, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Norway, and Russia are some of the countries that have been successful in digital diplomacy.

Digital diplomacy defines as a form of new public diplomacy that uses the internet, new information and communication technologies (ICT) and social media as means for strengthening diplomatic relations of a particular nation. The central differences with classical public diplomacy lie in greater access to information, better interaction among individuals and organizations and higher transparency.

Ethiopian Diaspora Agency Director-General Selamawit Dawit told The Ethiopian Herald that the development of modern and up to date technologies have significantly contributed for Ethiopian citizens and diasporas to play their part to their nation. Hence, Ethiopians who live across the globe have been committed to safeguarding their country national interest. So far, the campaign of Ethiopian diasporas through digital diplomacy to stand against foreign interventions and influence is remarkable and bring results.

 In a briefing to the Ethiopian House of Peoples’ Representatives, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that “Ethiopia shouldn’t have 60 or more embassies and consulates at this time. Instead of throwing US dollars everywhere, at least 30 of the embassies must be closed. The ambassadors and diplomats could instead be here.” He also added that the Ethiopian ambassador to Kenya, for instance, could be based in Addis Ababa and only travel to meet with officials while following events in Nairobi through the digital media.

Digital media including social media has indeed become an important tool of digital diplomacy. This worldwide hold of online channels has brought with it a wave of openness and transparency that has never been experienced before. Social media provide a platform for unconditional communication and have become a communicator’s most powerful tool. There is a wide range of social media that international actors use, but the most popular ones are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Periscope and Snapchat. It is no longer in doubt that digital tools have changed the character of diplomacy and the manner of communicating in the diplomatic arena. Those Ethiopians who live abroad have used social media to counterbalance foreign influences.

There are diasporas, diaspora communities and individuals who are devoting their time and resources to defend their country national interest and foreign influence. They have been working more than ambassadors and diplomats without demanding any money from their country. Their commitment, struggle

 and exertion to their country shine from some ambassadors’ and diplomat’s deeds, Prime Minister Abiy said. Social media has an enormous contribution for diasporas to be committed issues concerns their country.

The academic article written by Barston, P., R. (2014) entitles “Modern Diplomacy” stated that the significance of social media in defending one nation. Unlike the past diplomatic practice, the progress of websites by foreign ministries, embassies and delegations of international organizations is now standard practice. The foreign ministries websites serve to explain and record their national foreign policies and rebut unacceptable actions or claims by other states.

Peace-loving and patriots Ethiopians have started a Twitter campaign to counterbalance the terrorist TPLF false propaganda, to resist external interference and to defend the GERD issues. Selamawit explains the social media platform facilitate the enabling environment for diaspora participation given maximizing their participation in the ongoing national development, peace and the buildup process of democratization. It is also a good opportunity to enhance their participation issues that affect the interests of Ethiopia. Therefore, it is necessary to work on strengthening digital diplomacy.

Ethio-American Civic Council Public Relations Officers, Ato Amsalu Tsegaye told local media that Ethiopian diasporas using social media campaigns in the name of “Unity for Ethiopia”. The diasporas mainly engage issues such as foreign intervention, GERD and so on. Besides, most of the time people use Facebook nonetheless, influential and powerful persons including policymakers of any country uses Twitter. Hence, Unity for Ethiopia has prepared and disseminated more than 30 thousand Twitter messages. The messages are designed to promote Ethiopian stand while counterbalancing foreign influence including TPLF propaganda.

We Ethiopians discuss a digital media campaign in telling the truth to the world. Exposing the Nov 4th TPLF attack, Mai Kadra atrocity, incursions into Afar and Amhara regions, child soldiering and gross human rights violation against Eritrean Refugees. TPLF before assuming power in Ethiopia was branded as a terrorist organization by the government of the USA. After TPLF came to power, it has been committed different crimes and inhuman activities against the people of Ethiopia.

 Therefore, the diasporas by using social media are revealing “what TPLF is” Amslau added.

Ethiopians however, have used social media platforms to promote their nation stand and policies, but the impact of digital diplomacy on connecting information such as improving Diaspora participation in investment, trade and tourism, knowledge and technology transfer, foreign currency inflows and image building needs further work. Because the prospect of ensuring massive Diaspora mobilization still leaves much to be desired Selamawit explains.

 According to Barston, Digital diplomacy has different benefits if a nation is using and managing it properly. Among the benefits, proximity with audiences, fast and effective communications and low financial cost is worth mentioning. Taking these facts into account, therefore, Ethiopians must intensify and never hesitate for using digital platforms for their diplomacy. Besides, the government should work to alleviate problems related to lack of preparedness and capacity to use digital platforms for digital diplomacy.

 Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald

The Ethiopian Herald August 22/2021

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