Peace in the eyes of visual artists

Peace is an inside-out process. The more we nurture peaceful thoughts, the more peaceful environment we could create. As the saying goes “…the mouth speaks what the heart is replete with”. A... Read more »

Unleashing untapped cultural tourism potential

Ethiopia is one of the ancient countries in the world and its history stretches back 3,500 years. It has one of the four ancient civilizations including the Aksumite civilization that ever flourished... Read more »

The undaunted Sabella Kedir living with disability

Still, there is a wrong mindset among our society of considering people living with disability incapable of doing anything. This may not come down as a surprise among a traditional society that... Read more »

The lucky children of Saint Gabriel

St. Gabriel’s Day was celebrated at Kulubi near Dire Dawa recently. Surprisingly, and to the satisfaction of everyone no traffic accident occurred. Each year, it is customary for some kind of car... Read more »

The dilemmas of being a writer in Ethiopia

As many writers in African countries, Ethiopian writers too face apparently insurmountable dilemmas for engaging in the most peaceful and most beautiful job in the world; to quote the late Colombian author... Read more »

Soaking one’s hand with own blood

 (Short story) Ayantu and Marta are neighbors. They love and respect one another. Nothing makes them happier than spending their time together. They always dream of living under the same roof. They... Read more »

Investing on culture investing on country

Culture is an embodiment of a community’s identity. It has a power to describe what societies look like. A given society’s thought, art, philosophy, ethics, costumes, living styles, creativity and other physical... Read more »

Embassy of Japan to restore Ras Makonnen Hall

H.E. Mr. Daisuke Matsunaga, Ambassador of Japan to Ethiopia signe dthegrant contract with Dr. Ahmed Hassen, Director of Institute of Ethiopian Studies (IES) at AAU, for Restoration of IES’s Ras Makonnen Hall... Read more »

“Blood Rituals”: A New Novel Dealing with our Gruesome Past and Possible Hope

“Blood Rituals” by Mulugeta Gudeta is a new novel in English that is set in the 1960s and 1970s when the student movement and the February revolution coincided to produce a historic... Read more »


“Do you think it wise to sit back and simply watch what’s happening around you?” asked a man in the neighborhood having observed how the youth these days appear indifferent to what... Read more »