Word of war

Seasoned English thriller writer Terence Strong is already waiting for me at the café where we have arranged a meeting. He has nursing a tall glass of mineral water, lemon and crushed... Read more »

Menta Menged (Crossroad) theater mirrors Ethiopian politics

We do not exactly know where our destiny would be. We do not know how the creator designed our fate. Once we may be slaves, but may end up being a king.... Read more »

Sefere Godguada theatre opens to audience

“Emetalishalehu beferes berire, yegna sefer bajaj lanchi aymetinm,” this is the first stanza in a song verse sang by a character called Kubaya to his beloved Welela, in the opening of the... Read more »

The dying reading culture

Birhanu Andualm has been a sidewalk book seller around Arat Kilo for almost two years. He tells The Ethiopian Herald that except for a very brief period of time, the book publishing... Read more »

Pressure mounting on restoring Fasiledes castle

Unless keep on pressure mounting on the pertinent bodies and the government to carry out timely restoration works on one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Fasiledes Castle, it would disappear for... Read more »

Theatrical scheme exposing conspiracy

Recently a theatre called Mistru, which literally means, the mystery was officially opened at the Ethiopian National Theatre. The theatre is mainly based on norms and cultures that the society has been... Read more »

A Fire-side Story Drawn – From Childhood Experience

There was once a farmer named Zoros. He earned his living by plowing the land, waiting for the harvest season to reap the grain and feed himself and his wife year-in and... Read more »

Reform offers a glimmer of hope in press freedom, but what matters is permanence

The ongoing reform gives a sign that it would overhaul the Ethiopian media which have been deteriorating from time to time. Yet, experts and practitioners claim unless they are institutionalized, the reform... Read more »

In Case You need a theme for a Movie

Had I been in the business of making movies for a living, my preferred theme for a descent film could have been something like “No Return from Hell”, the story of an... Read more »

What if Adwa had not gone in our favor?

  With the failure of Atlantic slave trade European imperial powers had started discussion on a peaceful means of controlling Africa. This was one of their strategies to exploit Africans on African... Read more »