Review of the book: Conflicts and Terror -Author: Getachew Minas Published: 2007

Ethiopia is a country with a rich ancient history, cultural and religious values as well as indigenous knowledge. But little has been done by its scholars and writers to introduce to the... Read more »


No two persons are the same in the world or who are completely alike in all aspects. The wonder of nature where amidst of billions a single individual claims independence with no... Read more »

Season of Awards

The Nobel Prize is largely a European and American affair. And this is logical. Europe and America are leading the world in science and technology and most of the prizes in physics,... Read more »

A place to showcase emerging writers’ work

Skimming towards another continent-Australia-The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition has enjoyed the privilege of interviewing Lian Flick, the creator and curator of Novel Collective. In addition to stunning others with her creative works,... Read more »

The pervasive adversities affecting the life of many young people

Any society or a country incapable of maintaining the survival the young population is doomed to the death of its future adults. A young person is one who is not far advanced... Read more »

Elias Melka: The transformation musician

Ever since the advent of Elias Melka to the musical scene a couple of decades ago, one can say that Ethiopian music has changed completely and irreversibly. The explosion of the new... Read more »

The Governor’s cat

This story was written almost 25 years ago, when the writer was living in a remote corner of Ethiopia. Its highly edited and abridged version has been published a few years ago.... Read more »

Hiruy diplomat and literary genius

Blatengeta Hiruy Welde-Sellase Hiruy Welde-Sellase was a leading intellectual and prominent politician of the Haile Sellase era. He managed to draw attention as his personality was shaped by both traditional and modern... Read more »


Media cautions us of the world’s hottest issue That is unheeded by me and you. We lag behind dollar race Or we fail to go at a good pace. Its area of... Read more »

The search for solutions

What kind of solutions are we thinking about and what is the problem for which we are interested in finding solution for? This is a question that lacks clarity in the first... Read more »