Bag,full of Love – Inception Short story She constantly gazed at a certain direction which rather seemed the destination that her soul yearned to reach. Her rural background, which was absolutely backward,... Read more »

“Wizard of the Crow”Ngugi wa Thiongo’s surrealist portrait of the African tyrant

“Why did Africa let Europe cart away millions of Africa’s souls from the continent to the four corners of the wind? How could Europe lord it over a continent ten times its... Read more »

Hidden facet of life in new world

Book Title: Kedist’s Writings and Crafts Author: Kedist Girma Printing press: Jajaw printers Page: 133 Kedist Girma is an Ethiopian –American author, poet, and entrepreneur. She was born in Ethiopia in the... Read more »

The immeasurable value and the inestimable price of forgiveness, gratitude, and congratulations (The three pillars of co-existence)

Life is full of intricacies; it is not as easy as it seems or sounds; it is difficult to follow or understand it, in fact, it is extremely puzzling. In the process... Read more »

Managing needs of Older Persons

 Some thirty or so years ago, the United Nations decided that an International Day for Older Persons be celebrated every year to focus on the needs of people above sixty years or... Read more »

A brief look at some monuments in Addis Ababa their national significance

Structures that commemorate the conspicuous events and individuals that positively impacted the security and independence of a country are referred to as monuments. They are erected in the forms of buildings, columns,... Read more »

Nurturing reading habit of children pays off in more ways than one

It is the example parents set that children imitate or replicate. In this piece we shall introduce you to a young architect who impresses her Facebook fans with amazing literary works. She... Read more »

No Africa is black

Black doesn’t exist It’s an illusion My colour is Africa The land with everlasting riches With rich ancestral souls That turns into diamonds and gold Don’t sell us It’s no longer a... Read more »

Eternity from Corporeal Existence: Book review

Stories can affect human emotions and books can serve as models for development. A book entitled Yemidir Zelalem recently released was authored by Yalew Azanaw Aka (Dibekulu Geta/Pen name). It offers bibliotherapy... Read more »

Issues affecting the holistic development of the youth

Pursuant to the edition previous to this one, it is worthwhile to assess the inadequate academic instructions that the youth fall prey to. Education in principle is a systematic training and instruction... Read more »