Ignored crimes of TPLF, untold anguish of women

“Two fighters of the terrorist faction came to my house and demanded food but I told them I had nothing. They went away and came back with potatoes. They ordered me to... Read more »

Hard work and commitment pay off

The Nile River, which is of critical importance to millions of people living in the riparian countries, has not been utilized equitably and reasonably among the Nile Basin nations for long. Ethiopia,... Read more »

Honoring heroes, heroines who paid ultimate sacrifice

“The Italians undertook many other terrorist actions during this period. The “civilizing mission” had reached at its nadir. The events of 1937 marked a watershed in the Italian occupation. Mussolini finally removed... Read more »

Reconstructing institutions leaves no boundary

I nvestments demanding a couple of years to be functional in full swing can be wrecked within fractions of a second whenever chaos and social unrest happens in a given nation. Though... Read more »

Indispensable social value for freedom: Martyrs legacy

Ethiopia’s womb has never been sterilized as it has by no means lacked patriotic sons and daughters who would prefer sacrifice themselves to see the territorial integrity of their country is threatened... Read more »

No worldly possessions exceed a kind heart

It is not always necessary to have plenty of wealth or abundant material goods to be rich; because being rich is not merely about money or material possession. Rather, as the saying... Read more »

Unforgettable life threatening experience

Once the TPLF group was kicked out of the State embarrassingly, the people of Afar were tied up with activities to rehabilitate what have been damaged by the rebel group aiming to... Read more »

Awramba community with unique social system

For Zumra Nuru, who witnessed the unfair labor division and watched women treated unfairly within his own parent’s house and in his surroundings, the practice was by no means acceptable one. Even... Read more »

Family planning for predictable population growth

Ethiopia is one of the developing nations with more than 115 million inhabitants. It is the least urbanized country in which only 20 percent of the population is residing in the urban... Read more »

Coming together and working together is a success

Following the attack stirred up by the terrorist Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) on the adjacent areas of the Amhara and Afar States, thousands of innocent civilians massacred unjustifiably, several women, children... Read more »