Awramba community with unique social system

For Zumra Nuru, who witnessed the unfair labor division and watched women treated unfairly within his own parent’s house and in his surroundings, the practice was by no means acceptable one.

Even though, the norm was a tradition that the community had been exercising it for years, for this visionary teenager observing women laboring the whole day at farmlands, and exerting every effort at domestic chores became an issue that he cannot reason out it. Rather, it made him think as something was wrong and drive him to raise series of interrelated questions.

Later, he started raising questions about the exploitation of women and opposing publically the unfair and unjust treatment. However, the idea that deviated from the norm of the people was not welcomed by the people including his relatives and villagers. Then he left his living place and went to other areas to find people who may accept his philosophy.

Fortunately, Zumra’s idea was not aborted. As studies indicate, the philosophy of Zumera was well appreciated and received by his peers and formed followers who were trained to work not only in the field but also in the kitchen domain. Through this unique philosophy Zumra succeeded in abolishing labor division between men and women in his community.

In 1972, fifty years ago, Zumra Nuru, founded the Awramba community. Since that time, women have started performing activities that were once considered as men’s jobs, and in similar way, men have started executing domestic tasks that were left merely for women, because tasks are given on the basis of ability instead of gender and age disparities.

These days watching a man baking injera or spinning cotton sitting at home; or seeing a woman while pushing farm oxen and turning up the soil at farmlands are not things that surprise a person who knows the traditional and cultural values of Awramba community.

Recently, the community has celebrated the 50th has anniversary of their success under the theme “Come; let us build our good value together” Speaking on the occasion, the the visionary community leader; and founder of Awramba community Dr. D r Zumra Nuru (received Honorary Doctorate from Jimma University.) said that, it is better sowing the seeds of love among communities instead of spreading hatred As to him, Awra Amba community is a community that can create a social system that contributes hugely in promoting truth and honesty to fellow citizens while lies and dishonesty were dominating. However, these days there is a problem with regard to accepting and transmitting these community’s values.

Mentioning the ups and downs he had gone through in realizing his dream and sustaining the core values of the Awra Amba community, Dr. Zumra said that at the time he started opposing and criticizing the harmful cultural and traditional values of the community, his mother had taken educational institutions with high speed fixed broadband internet and satellite communication options (School net) and provided free and up to 86 percent service fee discount, she counted.

It has also been providing free maintenance service to assure reliable connectivity. In the year 2021 G.C alone, the company discharged its corporate social responsibility by donating 50,000 dozen of exercise books for the primary school students enrolled in 665 schools countrywide which worth over 16.5 million Birr under the motto “Equipping students is building generation”.

“In not the distant future, the company will also disclose the launch of a discounted student-only package. As a nationwide responsible telecom operator, it is committed to support the education sector and building a better generation by directly participating in the overall development of the community, demonstrating its national commitment and corporate social responsibility. It will continue to strengthen its support in the education sector in the future,” she reaffirmed. him to various health institutions owing to his deviated behavior. “Every one of us, as human being, should understand and feel the pains and sufferings of our fellow men,” he underlined.

Dr. Zumra’s soul mate and community’s Public Relations Head, Enaney Kibret on her part said that it is important to work together, correct negative attitudes and pass down the good values to the next generation.

Awramba community has developed a culture that enables it to solve problems with discussion. This valuable culture should also be further strengthened in other parts of the country.

She also underscored the importance of coming up with a solution that can unite Ethiopia and be governed by idea that wins. President of the Ethiopian Media Professionals Association and Executive Director of Ahadu Radio and Tele Vision Tibebu Bekele on his part said that since the past 50 years the Awra Amba community has been working persistently and developing its own surrounding with its own initiative.

As to Tibebu, who is also coordinator of the event, Awramba community is a section that has numerous core values that can be taken as models by other communities.


The Ethiopian Herald  15 February  2022

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