TEA to process food from algae

ADDIS ABABA- Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa (TEA) announced yesterday that Ethiopia is to produce spirulina (super food/blue-green algae) soon after gaining legal certification. TEA Founder and Executive Director Yonas Mamo told journalists... Read more »

Ethiopia, Armenia sign MoU to Strengthen technological cooperation

ADDIS ABABA (ENA)- Ethiopia and Armenia have signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen technological cooperation between the countries. During the signing ceremony, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, who is on an... Read more »

Preliminary report implicates mechanical issue on doomed Ethiopian aircraft

ADDIS ABABA-Preliminary findings from the ongoing investigation into the doomed ET 302 737 MAX 8 implicate mechanical issue to be involved in the accident with the investigation team recommending Boeing and aviation... Read more »

Slashing import, spending imminent as forex reserve raises red flag

Slashing import and cutting public expenditure according to experts are imminent short-term remedies to ease the acute shortage of the much-needed hard currency as National Bank of Ethiopia warned that the national... Read more »

Oxygen production center takes shape in Amhara State

 Center completion proves PPP momentum: President  ADDIS ABABA – Oxygen Production Center expected to hugely contribute to Safe Surgery initiative 2020 by strengthening surgical systems of the country launched yesterday in Bahir... Read more »

Ethiopia: Abiy’s first year as prime Minister, Review of Freedom of Association

One year ago this month, Dr. Abiy Ahmed was sworn in as prime minister of Ethiopia. His first few months in office saw many positive human rights reforms and a renewed sense... Read more »

Swallowing the effective antidote

The national coffer was at risk of running out of forex with the problem reaching at its peak during the early days of the current reform, which already matured to one year... Read more »

Preliminary report implicates mechanical issue on doomed Ethiopian aircraft

ADDIS ABABA– Preliminary findings from the ongoing investigation into the doomed ET 302 737 MAX 8 implicate mechanical issue to be involved in the accident with the investigation team recommending Boeing and aviation... Read more »

Economy: Key part of the reform agenda

On Tuesday, Ethiopia has marked the first anniversary of the coming to office of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed. Over the past year, the Premier’s administration has been undertaking an overall reform... Read more »

Ethiopia secure 13 Bln USD investment, loan, aid

ADDIS ABABA – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced that Ethiopia has secured 13 billion USD from investment loan, and aid since he took office. Marking the one year anniversary of his inaugurations... Read more »