Center completion proves PPP momentum: President
ADDIS ABABA – Oxygen Production Center expected to hugely contribute to Safe Surgery initiative 2020 by strengthening surgical systems of the country launched yesterday in Bahir Dar, Ahmara State capital.
Inaugurating the Center, President Sahlework Zewde urged all stakeholders for the strengthening of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) to translate the goals laid in various fronts.
In addition to the 10 million Birr, the state allocated to two oxygen production centers that have taken shape in Dessie and Bahir Dar towns, General Electric (GE) Foundation and Grand Challenge Canada granted 1.7 million USD and one million USD respectively.
The President said the Centers would help slash child and mother mortality rate due to pneumonia.
“It breaks the cycle of death among thousands of citizens who could have a better chance of living more additional years due to lack of oxygen facilities.”
Stressing as the projects realization has proven the improvement of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the country, the President urged all stakeholders to foster such collaborations.
Speaking at the event, Amhara State President Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen noted the centers catalyze the realization of goals wedded to the health sector.
“Turning the states investment potentials to real progresses is
among the tasks top on the agenda, and the wellbeing of the people comes first to this end.”
The State would further work for the enhancement of PPP to foster development, he added.
The Center would provide affordable, reliable and sustainable medical oxygen to hospitals across the state.
The facility enhances the quality of patience care in the state, a statement released in connection with the launching noted.
Twenty five percent of hospitals in sub Saharan countries never have oxygen supply while 32 percent run with irregular supply.
The Ethiopian Herald April 05/2019