Government striving to augment return from silk production

ADDIS ABABA – Cognizant of the higher economic and social advantages that trickle down to the country from silk production, the government has placed focal attention on the sector, disclosed Ministry of... Read more »

Ethiopia becoming more hospitable

Addis Ababa, a new flower as its name means, is growing more attractive from time to time as a beautiful flower that attracts bees and butterflies. It comes up with new offers... Read more »

Ethiopia commends Uganda on River Nile

• Ministers meet Ethiopian community in Uganda KAMPALA – Ethiopian ambassador to Uganda, Alemtsehay Meseret, has commended Uganda for the role the country continues to play in promoting equitable utilization of River... Read more »

CBE secures 17.9 bln. Birr gross profits in 2018/19

ADDIS ABABA– Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) announced that it has secures 17.9 billion Birr in 2018/19 fiscal year. During the Bank’s 2018/19 performance evaluation forum held at African Union Conference Center... Read more »

Would Election 2020 determine nation’s fate?

• Politicians argue on conducting or delaying 2020 elections In a recent press briefing, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) mentioned that the ruling party Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has taken... Read more »

Institutions striving to maximize public satisfaction

ADDIS ABABA – Ever since, the government launched a reform, various government institutions are striving to maximize public satisfaction through undertaking various service delivery mechanisms, officials said. Dr. Bikela Duressa, Public Service... Read more »

All set for eighth conference on climate change & development in Africa: ECA

ADDIS ABABA – All is set for the Eighth Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA VIII) which will be held in Addis Ababa from 28-30 August under the theme;... Read more »

Authority earns more than 81 mln. USD from coffee export

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority announce that the sector has secured over 81 million USD from coffee, tea, and spices during the past one month in this fiscal year. In... Read more »

Ethiopia becoming busy with international conferences

ADDIS ABABA – The coming months would be very busy period for Ethiopia’s hospitality industry as the venues for many international events are scheduled here, relevant sources indicated. According to recent news... Read more »

Ministry focuses on incentivizing high achievers to enhance quality education

ADDIS ABABA – As both private and public higher education institutions should strive to produce students with better quality than quantity, it is important to focus on incentives to high achievers, according... Read more »