ESAT voice of the voiceless: Team members

  ADDIS ABABA- A team of Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (EAST) journalists from Washington, DC, London and Amsterdam met their fans and followers at the Millennium Hall yesterday. ESAT Addis Ababa... Read more »

 “Father of African Unity” H.I.M. Haile Selassie Restored to Honor by the African Union

Tonight, we celebrate a great statesman who made monumental contributions to the liberation of Africa and the establishment of African unity, the late Emperor Haile Selassie (applause). There is no need to... Read more »

 Reiterating drivers of change in the public sector

Some institutions of the Ethiopian public sector are currently registering dramatical changes in delivering appropriate services for customers. Of which, the Ministry of Revenue and Customs and the Attorney General are among... Read more »

Urban residents seek fair taxation to own cars

ADDIS ABABA- In recent years, the demand of car for local consumption, in Ethiopia, is increasing along with the increase in the number of middle income earners and the necessity of the... Read more »

CBE provides over 100 billion Birr disbursement for development projects

ADDIS ABABA- Commercial Bank of Ethiopia said its disbursement capacity for development projects has reached 100 billion Birr per year. Belihu Takele, Corporate Communication Director at the Bank told The Ethiopian Herald... Read more »

City Forum runs backing sustainable peaceful coexistence

JIGJIGA – The Ministry of Urban Development and Housing announced that, the city forum is crucial to strengthen people to people ties living in harmony across the country, and promote the culture... Read more »

An Eritrean Public & Cultural  Delegation arrives in Addis

An Eritrean Public and Cultural Diplomacy Delegation has arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Thursday (February 14). Upon arrival at Bole International Airport, the Eritrean Public and Cultural Delegation was warmly welcomed... Read more »

 Media practices in upright ‘Medemer’ ideology

ESAT hits the ground running for dogged coverage of key events At this ever-changing political landscape for good, understanding the role of media in Ethiopian politics should be the first and necessary... Read more »

 Scholars praise good starts in public sector changes

Recently the Minister of Revenue made a bold decision to recall an aircraft that left the country’s airspace and pass through a security check again as it was believed to have carried... Read more »

‘Census is beyond digits’

Population and housing census goes in a span of 5 to 10 years in most countries. The 4th edition of the census has been delayed for several reasons though it has many... Read more »