‘Census is beyond digits’

Population and housing census goes in a span of 5 to 10 years in most countries. The 4th edition of the census has been delayed for several reasons though it has many advantages to the national political, social and economic life.

Speaking to Addis Zemen, Addis Ababa University President, Prof. Tasewu Woldehana argues that population and housing census has critical importance in the planning and development of a nation, adding that performing a population census includes many elements.

He says for the country to join middle income countries by 2025, through poverty reduction and enhancing education quality, population and housing census is critical for its invaluable role in planning. “To facilitate plans and decide their implementation strategies,” the Prof. adds, “it is a must to know where and what to do by determining the number.

It also requires identifying the critical states. It is not always right to depend on estimation when dealing with planning, and even old data devastates development plans.” In other words, knowing the size of the population is helpful in obtaining a number of people who live in the country and the structure of the society so as to supplement the basic infrastructure like water, roads, electricity, education access and healthcare, he further explained.

By the same token, Prof. Tasewu indicates that population census helps to forecast the nation’s economic needs, for example, electricity, housing, food, etc. in addition to assisting in determining the number of unemployed and the standard of living of the citizens in the country.

It as well assists in determining the number of people who can pay taxes which facilitates to estimate more approximately the amount of revenue that can be obtained from the sector to cover development costs by internal economic developments, Prof. Tasew adds, noting that it is critical to deal with gender parity and age differences.

Formulating economic policies, for example, revenue formula can be based on population figures and estimating the number of emigrants and immigrants can also be obtained from the figures obtained from the population census. Similarly, Science and Higher Education Ministry, Science and Higher Education Research and Academic Affairs Directorate General, Dr. Ebba Mijana on his part, expresses the necessity of census to ensure the nation’s progress through the provision of the well being of the citizens, according to Dr. Ebba.

“Population and Housing Census is very important in policy and strategy developments,” Dr. Ebba notes supplementing it with, “it assists the reformers to determine what social structure and reform is need in the country.” Carrying on census guides to reveal the level of manpower that is, people who are working. If it is high, the economic development of the country is assured.

It draws the attention of the international agencies and governments in giving aids and other assistance to a country. Likewise, Arsi University Staff, Dr. Endalew Fufa said that deciding to make population census is tantamount to commitment to serve the society equitably and fairly. “Especially, the social affairs like education, road and the like are well provided if the numbers are known, not to mention transparency in public services.”

Since census plays essential roles in giving detailed information on a State with a high or low density of population resource distribution, it assists the government to distribute resources, for example, areas densely populated get, as a rule, more resources than areas of the low number of population.

Equally, population census data give good picture as to the kind of social amenities that should be provided to the particular families and areas, for example, hospitals, housing, water, electricity and others as well it enables the government and international agencies in helping the country.

Therefore, the scholars seriously support the implementation of technology and digitization of the census process to either minimize or avoid problems that may occur while collecting the data. Logistics and other relevant supplies, including digital equipment, are well in place to make the 4th edition of the census a success, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald February 15/2019



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