Experience teaches language better

Experience is a great life guide as it gives guide and even it is the source of all knowledge, as Albert Einstein ones said, “The only source of knowledge is experience.” In... Read more »

 Floating together

Roughly, Ethiopia and Eritrea were robbed of their twenty years. This is not to paint their separate progresses in dark ink. But their possible cooperation and opportunity of floating together was barred... Read more »

 Capitalizing water resource

Ethiopia is known by the water resources it possesses that provided it the nick name The Water Tower of Africa. However, the resources should be capitalized in the modern manner of water... Read more »

 To catch up with MICE

With vast potential to be hub of MICE industry (Meeting, Incentive travel, Conference and Exhibition), Ethiopia is ranked 4th and 73rd in Africa and globally respectively in the 2017 International Congress and... Read more »

Patriotism considered

When you ask them, Ethiopians will almost certainly say that they are patriots. The idea of patriotism is deeply ingrained in Ethiopian society-it has nothing to do with political persuasion, age, gender,... Read more »

Reliable, accessible insurance

Domestic and foreign investments have to be sustainable, and one way to ensure sustainability is making certain the expansion of reliable insurance products. Businesses of all kinds, small or big, are prone... Read more »

Economy recovering: National Bank

  ADDIS ABABA— Governor of National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) said Ethiopia’s economy is recovering well in the past couple of months following last year’s instability in some parts of the country.... Read more »

UK reaffirms commitment to support Ethiopia’s development, regional initiatives

  – Ethiopia, Kuwait vow to strengthen ties ADDIS ABABA – Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu conferred with UK Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to AU and UN ECA, Ambassador Alastair... Read more »

What lies behind the chemistry of multiparty system?

  While the prospect of setting up a strong multiparty democracy in Ethiopia is highly dependent on political parties’ culture of dialogue and compromise, identity-based parties approached by The Ethiopia Herald express... Read more »

 Harnessing Entoto’s tourism potential

The sunrise that peak into the historical beauty of Addis Ababa that mount Entoto offers plus the panoramic view of Addis Ababa, create a fascinating feeling which makes beholders to cherish the... Read more »