Common market for better, fair trade

Historically, African leaders had worked in alliance to apprehend their freedom from European colonialism. However, political unity alone did not bring the likely bond among African countries since Africa needs economic integration... Read more »

 Will liberalization spin out of control?

Surveying a 40-hectare plot in the centre of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, Abiy Ahmed, the most talked-about leader in Africa, sets out his grand plans for transforming Ethiopia. In an act of... Read more »

Due attention to project execution capacity

Ethiopia is one of the countries undergoing a rapid economic growth. Its economy is also on a transition stage. Hence, the transition deems necessary the execution of many infrastructure and facilities. For... Read more »

Addressing Root causes mandatory in reducing water hyacinth

Scholars say eradication efforts on the water hyacinth, “Emboch”, which has seriously rocked the ecosystem of Lake Tana, may not bring sustainable and desirable outcome unless the root causes for the infestation... Read more »

 Ministry aspires to ensurequality health service

ADDIS ABABA- Ministry of Health (MoH) said ensuring quality health service, in over 4000 health centers and 500 hospitals throughout the country, would be its priority objective. Speaking on the 55th annual... Read more »

What should be the focus of the reform on government projects?

The current progress in Ethiopia’s infrastructure and development projects threatened by a towering set of challenges, delayed performances and unpaid loan costs, are seeking aggressive development reforms to address the increasing strategic... Read more »

 River Nile: Source of  inclusive  transformation for member states  

ADDIS ABABA — The River Nile plays an integral part in achieving not only water security but also food and energy security as well as in eradicating poverty for the people of... Read more »

AMISOM to tackle mission’s fuel supply challenges

  ADDIS ABABA- The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is making a review that aimed to mitigating challenges that the Mission has been facing. In an e-mail interview with The Ethiopian... Read more »

Ethiopia, Uruguay to cement collaboration

  ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia and Uruguay have shown desire to share each other’s experiences in area of livestock production in addition to boosting ties in all fronts. Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Workneh... Read more »

Insuring Investment Past lessons make swift measures mandatory: Experts

  With some investments affected by the political crisis the country had gone through over the last few years, the quest for investment insurance is now on the rise, insurers’ ability proves... Read more »