Accelerated relief and rehabilitation support for citizens in Tigray

BY SOLOMON DIBABA While the international media outlets and social media hooligans are busy jointly disseminating fabricated and unfounded false news and accusations about the situation in Tigray, the peoples and government... Read more »

Stay united, stay strong!

BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA  125 years ago, on March 1, 1896 a battle that would later be deemed as a fundamental turning point in Ethiopian history took place at Adwa, Ethiopia. This battle... Read more »


BY DEJENE SAKOUME Dear Editor, I have pondered over Adwa and my mind fluctuates with its changing tides. Now I consent, now I deny, I approve and once more I disapprove. To... Read more »

Can agriculture be Ethiopia’s growth engine?

BY HEINZ STRUBENHOFF  Ethiopia is a net exporter of agricultural commodities. However, the low level of industrialized agriculture means that the country exports very little higher value processed food. Despite strong growth... Read more »

Combating climate change via restoring ecological balance

BY ADDISALEM MULAT It goes without saying that climate change is one of the stumbling blocks that has been throwing cold water on the wellbeing of the world population residing under the... Read more »

Expanding rural infrastructures key to the development of the country

BY SOLOMON DIBABA A couple of days back, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and higher officials of the country inaugurate the startup of various road network linking Bako Town to Horo Guduru and... Read more »

Promising step towards boosting agricultural productivity

BY BY ADDISALEM MULAT  It is no secret that most Ethiopian farmers fully count upon rain-fed agriculture now and then given that the county has been bringing into play a traditional agricultural... Read more »

A pro-Sudan biased news reporting by Aljazeera

BY TEFERA WORKU On Thursday Feb 11/21, there was a news clip at Aljazeera English regarding the situation in the border region of Ethiopia and Sudan. In the clip, a reporter asks... Read more »

Ethiopia vs. the New White Supremacy

BY JEFF PEARCE If you’re an ally of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people, you might feel pretty frustrated about now. I don’t know about you, but I’ve come to the conclusion that... Read more »

Amicable solutions for Ethiopia-Sudan border problem

I believe that Israel should take advantage of its historical and long-standing ties with Ethiopia- a friend to the people and government of Israel. We are living in one of the most... Read more »